I can't truly compare in person since the city select hasn't come out yet... but I think these are the two I'm deciding between. I was really into the city select based on the reviews I read online but I'm really liking how the bumbleride is side by side and it comes with all of the accessories - specifically the infant carseat adaptor... baby jogger charges another 80-90 for that. Hmmmmmmm...
Obviously we have time, but what are your opinions? Anyone definitely leaning more towards one than the other? Why?
Re: bumbleride indie twin vs. baby jogger city select
There's some good info about the Bumbleride Indie in the post below asking about Bumbleride v. Phil & Teds.
We're getting the Indie Twin, for the reasons I listed in that post!?
(read it. you know you want to.)
anderson . september 2008
vivian . february 2010
mabel . august 2012