3rd Trimester

Does anyone else feel vulnerable because they're pregnant?

I don't know why I feel this way, but when I'm walking in a parking lot, parking ramp, or even my driveway (basically anywhere outside while I am alone) I feel like someone is going to mug me. I live in a very safe area and haven't ever been mugged, but I don't like that I can't defend (like I used to) myself should that happen.

Does anyone else feel this way?

Re: Does anyone else feel vulnerable because they're pregnant?

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    I feel this way and did with my first as well. I keep my mace with me at all times and accessible. I try not to go out at night too much and only go to crowded places.

    But I also try not to get too obsessive about it.  So you're not alone! 

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    YES! I never used to get freaked out when my husband is out of town for work, but now I get so parinoid that someone is going to break in and hurt me.  We live out in the country and our nearest neighbor is over a mile away.  Maybe its just that we have someone else we are responsible for now! 

     I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one though!

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    I have the irrational fear that someone will kidnap me and try to cut the baby out. I have never had these fears (third pregnancy), but I have thought about it a lot this time. Morbid and creepy...I know.
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    This is my third baby and I have had these fears with each one: someone will kidnap me and take the baby, someone will steal the baby while in the hospital, etc.  My husband blames it on too many Lifetime movies Smile

    It doesn't help that I read a Tess Gerritsen book a while back where a crazy man was kidnapping pregnant women and adopting them out.  Fiction, of course, but it freaked me out.

    Glad to know I am not the only one who thinks of such things! 



    DD#1 11/7/04 DS#1 6/24/06 Chemical Pregnancy 6/08 DD#2 1/28/10 after secondary infertility, Clomid, & acupuncture missed m/c 6/2010 at 8 weeks (baby stopped growing @ 5.5) DS born sleeping 1/13/2011 due to cord accident at 22 weeks. DD#3 3/10/2012
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    I don't at all, but I think my ILs must feel this way about me.  They've becoming overbearing and annoying about me be UBER safe.  MIL insisted I take a pepper spary (police grade!) every time I go on a walk.  Seriously, since DH and I have been married this is the safest place we've lived (out in the country). 
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    The kidnapping to cut baby out thing crosses my mind often. I don't know why. Weird huh?


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