
Evenflo Generations 65 Combination Booster?

I guess this is a rather new seat (I think it came out in October of this year), and it has a harness weight of 65lbs, and becomes a belt positioning booster until 100lbs. I am looking at it because it is way more in our price range than most EHing seat ($99) and we definitely need a seat with extended harnessing for our little tank (Miles).

Anyone know anything about it...good, bad, or ugly? Thanks.

Re: Evenflo Generations 65 Combination Booster?

  • I put Ethan in it out of curiosity. He has outgrown it by height already. He's probably 44 inches tall. Is Miles tall, or just heavy? It does make an okay booster, but won't be good for long-term use, and I think I've heard that it's an okay booster for tall, thin kids, but not heavy ones.
  • He's not overly tall, more solid. He's probably around 38" tall (give or take). I know it varies depending on how the kid is built, but the specs said height range is up to 57" (again, I know it depends more on how long their torso is).
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  • Well, the height range includes booster mode. You'll want him harnessed until 5.5 or 6. The harness is only 16 inches high (that's seated, butt to top of shoulder).
  • Thanks...we're just going to have him try it out at the store. I appreciate the help.
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