
Kid's show that annoys you the most?

While I admit there are pleanty of shows that grate on my nerves, nothing makes me want to throw a chair at the TV more than Caillou. I can't even really pinpoint what it is about him, but from his freaky bald head to his horrible whiny voice, I seriously can not stand to listen to one more minute of him. Thank God DD likes other shows more than this one.

What kids show (or shows) send you over the edge?

Re: Kid's show that annoys you the most?

  • I am with you on Calliou, and it has recently become DS's favorite show.  I also can not stand Franklin.  

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  • I can't stand Caillou either but DD loves him. I call him Cai-poo, and it makes DD laugh. =)

     I can't stand Max and Ruby. Well, maybe just Ruby. Biotch drives me crazy.

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  • Barney!  I have never let DD watch him and never will!  I'm sure there are equally annoying shows on cable, but we don't have cable so I don't know those lol!
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  • That horrible Dragon Tales show makes my skin crawl.  I told the kids it was "too scary" just so that I won't ever have to watch it again. 
  • The yelling in Dora and Diego.
  • Special Agent Oso...seriously..."its all part of the plan, more or less!"




  • Oh, I hear ya on Max & Ruby. D-u-m-b.

    Oswald peeves me too. His best friend is talking flower, but he still has a pet dog? lol.

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  • Wonder Pets! I can't stand how they sing EVERYTHING!  and then it would be Cailou-he is way too whiney..
  • Dora and Diego - too repetitive. Max and Poopy too but M really likes it for some reason.

    THE WORST imo is Oobi (???) the talking hands that sound like idiots.

    Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
  • My kids love really LOVE him. 

    We only have PBS so we don't get many cartoons, but I really can't stand Syd the Science Kid.  The grandma's laugh is sooooo weird. 

  • Agent Oso is by far the WORST one ever.  It literally makes my head hurt!
    Josh-10/1/87, Brittany 3/9/91, Mandi 7/26/92, Michelle 9/11/06 image I'M GRAPE JELLY- ALWAYS AROUND & ALWAYS THE SAME If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me. For I must be traveling on now. Because there are too many places I've got to see. -Allen Collins & Ronnie VanZant My favorite verse!
  • It's a tie between YGG and Wubzy. 

    Me with my littlest.
  • The show that annoys me the most is the Fresh Beats, followed by Barney and then the new Electric Company.
  • Agent Oso.  Can there be a dumber Special Agent?  Seriously.
    Liam is 5!
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  • Backardigans!  Nor redeeming/educational qualities and I truly don't "get" the whole thing
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