
Am I doing the right thing?

DS is exceptionally smart.  He was tested in pre-school as being on a 3rd grade level for reading.

 I'm requesting that he be tested so that he can go to a 1st or 2nd grade class for reading.  His school doesn't change classes for reading in kindergarten.

Every night when he does his homework (which consists of reading a small book of about 12 pages), he gets so bored.  He rolls his eyes and hurries through the book so he can finish.

 Does anyone see a DOWNSIDE to him being tested and possibly being in a 1st or 2nd grade reading class?

Re: Am I doing the right thing?

  • Just a maturity level thing and possibly being exposed to a little older kid stuff.
    Wendy Twins 1/27/06. DS and DD
  • People tell me he acts older than he is.  People always assume he's 7 or 8.  Idk though.  He's my kid and of course I think the world of him.
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  • He does sound very smart. As an example, we were around my family this weekend and my cousin who is in 1st grade said something about the guy next door could murder my son (who was walking in the yard). I was like, umm, he's not even 4 yrs old so he doesn't know about that word. Not trying to be a debbie downer, but you did ask for the down side. :)
    Wendy Twins 1/27/06. DS and DD
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