Texas Babies

Sleeping Issues

Bella is having the worst time sleeping.  She was sleeping through the night and now is waking up 3 or 4 times a night...very upset, very uncomfortable, very difficult to get back down.


Anyone have similar issues?  She's going on 9 months...is there a wakeful period or a growth spurt I am forgetting about?


Thanks in advance for any thoughts or adivce


Re: Sleeping Issues

  • My daughter did this, probably near the same age.  After about three months of just dealing with her whenever she woke up, I ended up doing the Ferber method with her and now night time is much easier.  We also switched her to overnight diapers and that seemed to make a difference. 

    Sometimes they need to drop one nap, sometimes it's because they've started walking/crawling/something else, or it's something that you'll never figure out.   My suggestion would be to read up on a couple of different put-your-baby to sleep methods and pick the one you're most comfortable with.  The important thing is once you start, to stick with it.  I know my daughter tests me every once in awhile and we've been doing this for two and a half months now. 

    Good luck!

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  • imageannyy25:

    My daughter did this, probably near the same age.  After about three months of just dealing with her whenever she woke up, I ended up doing the Ferber method with her and now night time is much easier.  We also switched her to overnight diapers and that seemed to make a difference. 

    Sometimes they need to drop one nap, sometimes it's because they've started walking/crawling/something else, or it's something that you'll never figure out.   My suggestion would be to read up on a couple of different put-your-baby to sleep methods and pick the one you're most comfortable with.  The important thing is once you start, to stick with it.  I know my daughter tests me every once in awhile and we've been doing this for two and a half months now. 

    Good luck!

    OMG, we were having some wakeful issues last week and I would  find that he had leaked through his diaper two nights in a row.  So I put him in Huggies Overnights and he's been STTN great since then!!

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  • Do you think she is teething?  Sarah did that for about a week before she sprouted 3 teeth within a period of another week!  During that time I gave her a dose of Motrin before bed and that seemed to help.
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