My sister in law and her four kids (one of which has MONO!) visited yesterday (after I specifically asked her to give us "time"). Anyway, when she got here my husband politely said, "I don't think it's a good idea for Siarra, or any of the kids, to hold/get close to the babies". My sister in law actually started crying (and my husband felt bad, which I think annoyed me more than the fact that she was crying in the first place)!? WTF? Seriously!?
She actually made the comment that, "Mono can only be passed by kissing or saliva"......yeah, like every other disease on the planet! Mouth - to hand - to door knob - to hand - to my baby!!! UGHH. This sort of thing just re-enforces my "no visitors until spring" dream.
She is now ignoring DH's calls.
Re: SIL is an idiot. 1 week post NICU vent....
We are having Christmas with my ILs on Dec. 26th - I thought it was just going to be DH's side...but apparently it's everyone (his step-siblings and their kids also) - which means at least 20 people..including 8 kids. What are the chances that NO ONE is sick? So I told DH that if ANYONE is the least bit sick...Carter stays home with my parents and we go without him. Well..he understands..but is a bit bitter because many in his family still haven't met Carter (we moved 1.5 hours away a couple weeks before he was born..and many of the kids have been sick whenever we have gone there to visit) They are more than welcome to come HERE when they are healthy.
I'll say it again- People are assholes.
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