Parenting after a Loss

Am I crazy? WWYD? NBR

My close friend's dad passed away from cancer today. The service is on Tuesday in my hometown around 3 hours away. I am planning on taking the day off- that's not the issue. I can't leave tomorrow after work because we have DD's baptism class/rehearsal tomorrow night from 7-9 pm which I can't miss. The christening is this Saturday. I am planning on leaving early Tuesday morning when LO wakes up. The service is at 1 PM and then they are having something at my friend's mom's house afterwords. I will have to drive the 3 hours back with DD the same day. My DH has to work so he can't come and I have no one else to drive with. Am I nuts for doing this? I have known my friend and her family since I was 12 (about 20 years) and feel that I should be there. WWYD???

Re: Am I crazy? WWYD? NBR

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    Are you taking your baby to the service or do you have someone to watch her?  I would absolutely say go if you had a sitter but I'm not sure I would take DD to the service.
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    sorry to hear about your friend's dad. But no, you are not nuts at all. I would do the same exact thing you are doing. good luck.
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    No, I would go to with M and everything. I'm so sorry for your friend's loss. 
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    I think it would be wonderful for you to attend. But can you leave DD with anyone? My LO definitely wouldn't handle 6 hours in a car in one day.
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    I'd go.  Hopefully she'll sleep in the car for most of the trip.  
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    I'd go too.  First I would try to find a sitter, but if I couldn't I'd still go and take LO too.  I'm so sorry for your friend's loss. 
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    I think it totally depends on your child.  I could never even manage one 3 hour drive with my son alone, let alone a return trip of 3 hours and a service in the middle.  My son is and has always been extremely active and on the fussy side.  My niece, however, is the most low key kid and you can't pretty much put her in any situation and she does fine. 

    If she's good in the car - sleeps, entertains herself, you should be ok with the drives.  Although, I would definitely build some time in there to take her out and let her get a change of scenery, if only for 10 minutes.

    As far as the service - I would ONLY take her if you know for sure, she will sit for that long.  I don't like when parents bring their kids to things like that and then they are fussing or crying or up and down with them the whole time.  It is not fair to everyone else....and it's not fair to the kid.  They don't know they have to be quiet - they are just thrown into a situation they aren't old enough to handle. 

    Could you find a sitter for the day in your hometown or at least for an hour or two where you are going  so she doesn't have to go to the service?

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    I would go with my girls if I was in your situation.  I would try and find someone to watch your LO and if not, I would take her with you.  Like someone else said it can be tough if you take her to the service and she gets cranky - if that happens I would head outside and not return (so you aren't up and down interupting) I am sure it will mean a lot to your friend that you make it.
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