
? about bathing twins at the same time

if you bathe them at the same time, what do you put them in?  are they in a seat in the tub or do you let them sit in the tub itself?  i feel like they are old enough to "play" in the tub for bath time, and it would save me a lot of time.  plus they are getting too big to keep bathing in the sink :)  i'm still using a sling, but i only have one.  any recommendations would be appreciated :)


Re: ? about bathing twins at the same time

  • I bathed my twins at the same time; I still bathe my twins and youngest at the same time!  I put them in bath seats and they could play with each other.  I have heard of others putting their LO's in small clothes baskets as well.
  • once they can sit on their own i plan to bathe them in the big tub together- sitting up in bath seats- which i got them for christmas.... hoping they'll be sitting in a month or so, like big brother Griffin did (at 6mo)
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