
Newborn feeding questions... advice please!

I'm feeling a little bit like a bad mother right now... I was looking over my feeding logs for the past few days and we have only been getting in 7 feedings each day. I have been breastfeeding, and we occasionally get 8 feedings in, but normally it's 7. They feed every 2.5 - 3 hours during the day and every 4 at night, and they both seem to be getting enough.(My little boy is supplementing with pumped milk after we feed because the pedi thought it would be best since he was a little bit behind on his weight gain.)

Anyway, do you ladies think that I should try to work in another feeding? If so how, they have pretty much set their own schedule I've jut been making sure they nurse within an hour of each other in order to keep them on the same schedule. Also, if you breastfed how long did they nurse? Sometimes mine are nursing 15-20 min and other feedings it mor like 30-40 min.

Thanks in advance, and sorry this is so long! I'm completely new at all this!

Re: Newborn feeding questions... advice please!

  • we did every 3 hours around the clock until they were one month then we let them wake us up at night (which ended up being every 3 hours for a while). dr. said that was fine. we follow babywise and that seems to work for us. i cant help with the BF as i EP. 
  • I don't think you should stress yourself out over 1 feeding.  It seems like they range from 7 or 8 feedings a day.

    As long as they have enough wet & dirty diapers a day then they are getting enough.

    I had my boys on an every 3 hour schedule in the beginning and then let them feed on demand at night - once they got to birth weight.  Once they started sleeping through the night - they then started eating every 2 hours on the dot!

    If they don't seem fussy and they are gaining weight I think you are find.

    With regards to the nursing times - they do and will change.  Sometimes my boys would nurse like 10 minutes sometimes longer.

    They are almost a year and will nurse like 4-5 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes for the other 2 sessions during the day and up to 40 minutes at night.

    I know it is really stressful but it sounds like you are doing a great job!

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