and realized that today my answer would change. Prior to today: nope, no way would I consider giving Benadryl when traveling to help "sedate." After today: we will be asking our pedi about this for our flight to CA for Christmas. Today Scott screamed at the top of his lungs for almost the entire duration of one of our flights. He was just so tired, couldn't get comfy, and was melting down. I felt so bad for him--he was trying so hard to sleep but couldn't do it. He finally collapsed into me during the last 10 min of the flight. I really think it would have been better for him (not just us and the rest of the passengers) if he could have had something to help him settle down and sleep. So yep, I'm now a potential official member of the "bad mom" club.
Re: so I saw the Benadryl question
haha, once you walk a mile in someone else's shoes....
sorry your flight was so miserable! i hope he does much better next time.
Katie, Duke Gardens, 6months
Zach, Duke Gardens, 6months
Photo courtesy from the amazing Ever You Photography!
You are not a bad Mom, that would have set anyone on edge. I would ask the pedi how fast it works, so you only have to use it if you need to. It is my impression it works very quickly (at least for its allergy control ability). I am sorry you had to go through that and I do agree that it is definitely not good for him to be screaming and worked up for a flight across the coast.
Ugh, so so so sorry that you had to go through that. I would have nearly lost it.
This is what we were thinking--having it in case we need it. He did fine on some of the flights but that last one was AWFUL! I'm thinking he was just overtired and lost all emotional control (he's done this at home a few times). So if we had something to help him sleep and calm down (only if he couldn't on his own) I think that would be best for him.