I have one mature and three smaller ones - we will trigger either tonight or tomorrow - they will call and let us know once they get the blood work back. IUI will be either Monday or Tuesday:)
We did clomid and only one shot of follistim - so now we just have the ovridel trigger and then no more shots:)
Re: Back from follicle check
Good luck!!!! I am interested to know how your trigger and IUI goes!
Did your DH have to get blood work done before you got to this point? My DH hasn't yet and I will be starting my cycle in a day or two. Shady Grove is being kind of tough about this. I am worried if my CD3 comes before they get his results we may have to skip this cycle.
Yes - my husband had some blood work done. I can tell you things were up in the air for me until cycle day 3 - we were waiting for the genetic testing results and they came back just in time. I hope your husband's results do as well:)