what the heck did you do over night? We just checked DS and he was soaked. so we changed him and put him back in bed. well he is HYSTERICAL crying for his blankies which were soaked. We have back up ones, but he knows the others were removed. I gave him my blankies but that is NOT satisfying him too much.
he is now WIDE awake.
What did you do over night? I seriously am already thinking NO way can I do this another night to keep him dry over night. He is going to be MISERABLE tomorrow due to lack of sleep!!!
Re: 3 day PT- Over night
My DD has been completely day PTed since July, but she wears a pull up overnight. And that pull up is soaked every morning.
Since it's not developmentally inappropriate to wet the bed until after age 5, I'm not pushing it. I have no problem changing one pull up per day/night. My hope is that she will someday start to wake up dry then we will just phase it out.
We used a diaper for overnight only. Unless you limit his liquids before bed I don't think his bladder will hold it overnight.
DD is daytime pt'ed since April. She has been waking up dry for a couple of months now (going to the bathroom in the middle of the night). A week ago DH decided to put her to bed in big girl panties. She now wakes up kind of moaning in the middle of the night. I just go in and ask if she has to pee and carry her there. I think that's why she wakes up, but doesn't realize that's why. She has not wet the bed yet.
I heard that many kids have a tough time holding it through the night until around the age of 5.
I don't know anything about the 3 day PT thing but Gracie's been day-trained since June and she still wears a pull-up at night.
thanks. some days he does wake up dry and others not. I feel horrible, he is WIDE awake, and it takes him a good 40-60 mins to wind down and fall asleep. I do not think we will be doing this again tomorrow night. i think a pull up or over night diaper will have to do!!!
Oh, and I wanted to add that we followed the 3 day method pretty much exactly, except for the night training. That just wasn't happening for us!
And I know how you feel. My DD actually wet through the pull up last week, and couldn't take her sleepy bear to daycare with her (because he needed to be washed). She is still talking about it.
Good luck!
same here. id even say 4 out of 7 day he still wakes up wet at nap time. he seems to do better at school during nap then at home, but on the w/e he sometimes will take a 2-3 hr nap tho
We did the 3-day method with Ethan when he was 22 months old and trust me, he was not able to stay dry at night. He did go through about a week of being dry in the morning, but it didn't last. We just did the overnight pull-ups and he knew those were for naps and nighttime.
He just turned 3 and has been dry most mornings for a few weeks, so we've been doing training underware for about 4 days now. I know it can take much longer to be dry overnight, so just ignore the 3-day "they need to be dry at night" stuff. If that were true, Ethan would have still been in diapers during the day for the last year and a half. Ugh!
same here. she's still a fairly good sleeper and I'm not willing to mess with that by making her get up at night to use the bathroom.
We did 3 days with no diapers/pullups (followed the method exactly). I put a waterproof bedwetting sheet under her to help with clean up. I didn't want her to "save up" for her diaper and that's why I did it.
However, after the 3 days, I put her back in a pullup for nighttime (she had never been dry overnight--ever). She was peeing in her first moments of conciousness and I didn't want to wake her up any earlier. I hoped that she'd gotten out of the diaper "habit" by that point, too. I was right. In about 2 weeks she'd stopped wetting the pullup at night and she was completely day trained for pee and poop using the 3 day method after a week.
So I definitely think the method should be modified as you see fit.