
Sex question...??

Being pregnant w/ twins does that make me a high risk the sense that it's not safe to have sex? After my BFP before my 7.5 week appt. where we found out we are having twins, we were having sex regularly & when I found out about our twins everything stopped... I haven't had the gull to ask my doc. which I know is the best person for me to ask, but was wondering what everyone on here knows/thinks?? TIA.

Re: Sex question...??

  • We found out it was twins at 5 weeks, & continued to have sex regularly until 30 weeks. The dr said it was ok. It actually put me into early labor... I had my boys a week later. Haha but they are happy && healthy 2 yer olds now =)
  • No restrictions unless you're having any complications with your pregnancy. (unfortunately, it still freaks DH out so we've had a lot less sex as time goes on)
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  • There have been no restrictions for me and fortunately I've had a problem free pregnancy. However, as you get bigger you'll find it gets tougher to find comfortable positions to do the deed.
  • I'm the odd man out I guess.  I had three different doctors (RE, MFM and OB) all tell me no sex at all from my retrieval for IVF until my post-partum appointment with my OB after I deliver.  My husband has no issues with that because it freaks him out too much anyways.  I had this restriction before I ever started bleeding from my sub chorionic hematoma.
    image Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • we had no restrictions whatsoever. but stopped around 34 weeks because i was too uncomfortable and hot (8 mo. preg in the summer in Vegas) to even bother. my advice? do it now while you still want to and have the time and energy to!
  • B/c of IF meds my ovaries are gigantic so the Dr said no sex for 2 weeks, then we went back and he said still no thats about 6 weeks. Husband thinks he is going to die... I feel like crap so I couldn't care less. I actually called the Dr on Wed. to see when we can resume, no call back yet b/c of the holiday.  I hope my husband doesnt die before he calls me back!
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
  • until your doc says not to- you can.

    we stopped around 25 weeks b/c we were just too nervous and i was getting so big- i didnt' really want to.

  • we were told it's ok for now, but we're both too paranoid. My husband says he can live without it for awhile (we both have fairly low sex drives to begin with).
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  • I was told no sex after I had some bleeding in the first trimester, but by my 12 week appointment with my OB, he said we could do what we want in bed.  So, since then we have had sex, and I haven't had any problems or complications with the pregnancy as a result.  The hard part for me has been feeling like I WANT to have sex, those feelings come and go.  My husband is always up for it, however.
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  • I was on restriction due to very swollen ovaries from IVF and some spotting at 7 weeks.  Everything was fine by 10-11 weeks and I was told sex could resume by my Peri.
    H: 34 dx Azoospermia due to CBAVD from CF  
    ME: 39 IS FINE!!!  DOR and poor AMH/FSH/LH
    IVF/ICSI/PESA #1 Beta 1 373 Beta 2 1783 BOY/GIRL TWINS!! Born April 2010!!
    Natural FET 5/26/12 2 blasts Beta 1 207 Beta 2 513 Beta 3 1377 U/S 6/28 Pregnancy not viable d & c scheduled :( 
    IVF/ICSI/PESA #2 ER 11/15/12 Nothing to transfer :( 
    IVF/ICSI #3 April 2013 MDLF 3dt of 3 embryos, chemical :(  
    IVF #4/ICSI/MESA/CCS/FET EPP April 2015
    ODWU CCRM with Dr. Sch COMPLETE!!!! Put on acai supplement they are studying for DOR and embryo quality.
    DAY 3 Labs Drawn 2/26 put on vitamin D and calcium supplements
    Regroup and Protocol Reveal 3/04 "Bazooka Protocol" EPP with MDLF "Protocol 6 with patches"
    ER/MESA 4/10 ER 9 eggs retrieved MESA success found live swimmers :)
    Fertilization Report 6 eggs mature and ICSI'd 4 eggs fertilized normally
    Day 6 Report to Blast for CCS 4/16: 2 DAY 5 BLASTS BIOPSIED FOR CCS a 4AB and a 3AB!!!!
    CCS Results BOTH BLASTS CCS NORMAL!!!!!!  call on 4/24
    Regroup call to discuss CCS results and FET call on 5/20
    FET prep: CD 1 6/08 CD 3 Start BCP 6/10, HSG 6/12 Lupron Start 10 iu 6/17 End BCP 6/21 CD 1 6/23!!!
    Start vivelle patches 6/25 change e/o/d reduce Lupron to 5iu 6/25 Blood Draw 7/01, 7/08, 7/15, 7/19
    Increase vivelle patches 7/03 2 change e/o/d and 7/05 change e/o/d 3 and 7/07 4 change e/o/d add vaginal estrace 2x a day
    Lining Check/Blood Draw 7/08 and 7/15 End Lupron 7/18  Start PIO 1ml daily 7/18  Blood  Draw 7/19
    Flight to clinic 7/22
    FET 2 CCS BLASTS :):)  7/23 :):) YES YES both thawed and both fully expanded :):)
    7/26 :):) 3dp5dt PM very very faint positive FRER
    7/27: 4dp5dt Neg Digi AM but very very faint positive FRER PM POSITIVE DIGI CLEARBLUE PREGNANT 1-2 :):) 
    7/31:8dp5dt AM POSITIVE DIGI CLEARBLUE PREGNANT 2-3!!!! :):) 
    Beta 1 8/01= 408!!!!!!!!!! at 9dp5dt FET
    Beta 2 8/03 = 1014!!!!!!!!!! at 11dp5dt FET
    8/05/2015 AM POSITIVE DIGI CLEARBLUE PREGNANT 3+!!!! :):) 
    First Ultrasound: 8/20!!!!!! TWINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Genetics says BOTH BOYS!!!!!!!!!
    Second Ultrasound: 9/03!!!!!!!!!!


  • My doctor said it was ok unless we had complications.  We were having sex until I delivered unexpectedly at 30 weeks.


  • I was on pelvic rest from OHSS and just cleared at 11 week MFM appointment.  I usually fall asleep before any of that can happen anyways. I know we will be cut off again soon and I feel bad it's a rare occasion, but DH doesn't seem to mind too much considering the circumstances.
    IVF#1 - 2 Blast Transfered = BFP!!! Identical Triplets&Fraternal = QUADS!! imageLilypie Second Birthday tickers
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