Our girls have been sleeping in a pack 'n play, swing, or bouncy seats since they came home from the hospital. We plan to move them to their cribs this weekend and I'm feeling really nervous!
For one thing, it's been really easy to pop their pacifiers back in when they're sleeping two feet away from where we're watching t.v. I'm afraid we'll be running around like maniacs from the living room to the nursery to replace pacifiers.
Also, what if they don't like sleeping in the cribs? They're so comfy in their seats and I'm not sure they'll like being in the big cribs...
They're sleeping between 3-4.5 hours at night and we think they would do better in the nursery (the cats have been waking them up by wrestling in the living room near where they sleep).
I'm babbling because I'm tired, but any advice on transitioning twins to the nursery? One crib or two at first? Do we put them down with their pacifiers in, even though they'll fall out and the girls might want them replaced? Any other suggestions? I'm really nervous that we've gotten into a good rhythm and we're about to ruin it (but we think it's worth a try because we're hoping the girls will sleep better).
Thanks & Happy Thanksgiving!
Re: Moving babies to their cribs - advice please!
We just made the switch cold turkey at about the same age as your babies and they went into seperate cribs in the nursery. The first week you will be scared and want to check on them all of the time, for this I suggest investing in a video monitor so you can look at them without waking them by opening a door.
After a week you will start really sleeping well again for those few hours your girls are asleep and you'll wonder why it took you so long to move them....I promise
They may even surprise you and not need their paci's - you can start with them in but who knows, maybe they will grunt a few times when they fall out and you won't hear them and then they will go back to sleep...it could happen!
Mine slept fine in the PNP together on and off for 2.5 months (also in their swings or bouncy seats). We had one downstairs for naps and some nights and one upstairs....you can't go wrong with a PNP and they are great for traveling when the kids get older so they have a place to sleep.
we just moved the twins to their cribs- after 5mos of sleeping right next to us in bedside cosleepers - and its hard to have to get up and walk into their room if one of them starts to fuss- since we're so used to just reaching over!
Thankfully they don't wake much at all anymore - the first few nights they both woke a lot - just needed pacis --- but now they are used to it and last night - nobody woke at all- whew!
make sure they are swaddled really good. Gibby sleeps better if he feels confined a bit- so we got one of those sleep positioners that just has an edge on both sides of him- i think he felt too "lost" in the big crib without it. Now he's doing great.
They have nice "Dreams in Sight" projection mobiles so they can see it spinning even in the dark- which helps them go right to sleep - we put them down drowsy but awake.
Also- a white noise machine = great!