
NE1 else getting up early tomorrow?

I am planning on getting up at 5am!

I hate to say it, but Wal-Mart had the best deals, followed by KMart and Toys R Us and that is where I am heading. I was really disappointed in KMart's ads.

I need to get my father's paper as we do not have a lot of department stores around here.


Re: NE1 else getting up early tomorrow?

  • Me- I'm getting up at 3:30 (if I even go to bed at this point) to go to walmart for 4am b/c the sale starts at 5... and I'm getting stuff for my Aunt... I'm waiting for my Mom to get here with the paper to see if there is anything that I'm interested in getting Logan as the twins are pretty much done.
  • Yep. We are looking through the paper right now. Probably around 4:00am.
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  • No way...I use to be a big black Friday shopper, but I just don't have it in me this year.
  • I guess the Gymboree outlet (Butterbeans it's in Lake George which is about 30 minutes north from me) opens up tonight at midnight and they are having $5.99 pj's... I'm thinking about trying to convince my Mom to go up there... LOL... but DH works late tomorrow night (he works 12-8 tomorrow) and I cooked all day today- so I don't know how I would be able to handle the kids tomorrow- LOL!
  • I *hope* to get up early enough to make it Target by 5 to get the steam mop and Wizard of Oz on Blu Ray.  We'll see if it actually happens.  I need to be back home by about 8 for when DD wakes up, because DH never hears her and is planning on staying up late to play video games.


  • Yes - I am getting up and going to WalMart around 4:30 a.m. Cannot believe I'm going there, but they have the TV and hard drive we want.

    MH is going to TRU at midnight. He actually volunteered. Was not going to argue with him.?

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  • I am! I'll be at up at 5am, but that is just because I have to be in work by 6am.
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