I love my mom so much, but she is driving me up a wall. She swears that I won't go past 34 weeks. She keeps telling me, Oh you only have 5 weeks left! I said No I have a little over 8 weeks left. she swears that I won't go very long. I don't understand why she doesn't have faith in me to carry these babies longer than 34 weeks. I know that 35 weeks is an average twin pg, but I have to keep telling myself that I can go longer. I want these babies to cook and not have to stay in the NICU. GRRR Even my bosses at work say it will be 33-34 weeks. I have had no complications at all and I don't understand why people just automatically think I wont go that far!
Re: Frustrated!
people are stupid - about everything.
Every monday when DH would show up at work (from like 30w on) his coworkers would say "you're here? She didn't have the babies YET?"... WTF??? It's like they wanted me to go early!
people just don't get it.
for what it's worth - i went to 38 weeks 1 day (my scheduled c/s) and showed them all ! Even my OB didn't think I'd get that far (because i had PTL with my singleton pg).
You can do it!
Dh was the same way - I ended up delivering at 35 weeks and 3 days - my boys were 5.8 and 6.7, so I am kind of grateful that they didn't go full term - and they were both healthy, only staying overnight in the NICU because one had swallowed meconium. I was nervous those last few weeks, but it 'helped' that my in-laws had a scheduled vacation out of the country and my MIL forbade me to give birth until they got back. haha! But the whole thing was a little annoying, so I can see where you are coming from...best of luck delivering fully cooked babies!!! : )