
what are you thankful for?

A loving DH, and a wonderful family. Babies that are growing. A roof over my head and food to eat. I have been blessed. 

Your turn, what are you thankful for? 

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Re: what are you thankful for?

  • Thankful that my children are all healthy... that my 91 y/o Grandmother is still hosting T-giving at her house... that Griffin is enjoying the T-giving day parade on TV right now!

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

  • Family, friends and a roof over my head.  And the chance to be a mother- it feels so amazing to realize I've been blessed with this opportunity.
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  • These babies inside of me, my husband, my family's health and love, my job, the roof over my head and that after 6 years with my kidney, my dad is still super healthy.  <3

    After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • My amazing husband, our two babies growing in my belly, our home )it may be small but it's ours), family and friends and a job (even if I'd rather stay home with my babies).  So many things to be thankful for this year and feeling so very blessed!!!
  • my wonderful DH, our beautiful babies, our home, our families that are far away, and our wonderful Army friends that have become our family

    Our Blog TTC since 10/2004 Follistim+Ovidril+Metformin=BFP on 12/8/08 2 heartbeats-12/30/08 Betas- 10DPO-104 12DPO-274 Photobucket Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • My family, my wonderful husband, our home, our jobs, our family's health, especially my 84-year old grandmother's and my dad who is recovering from recent surgery, and the 2 healthy, miracle babies we have finally been blessed with after 2 years of struggle!
    7/2009 - Gonal-F cycle #2 with Ovidrel trigger and IUI #5 - BFP! Twin boys born at 38 weeks 3 days! 8 months later...spontaneous BFP! And twins again! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Absolutely everything I have - beautiful children, wonderful DH, home...I could go on forever! 


  • I am thankful for my wonderful family especially my two little baby girls who despite being born early are growing and are happy and healthy.
  • I'm thankful that we have a healthy son that's our entire world, thankful that the 2 boys we're expecting any day have so far been very healthy, that DH and I are healthy and happy (and still extremely happy in our marriage).  I'm also thankful for our supportive families, they help us so much.  In this economy, I'm so thankful that DH has a job, I know so many people don't this year.
  • I am grateful for a wonderful supportive husband, and family. & I am very grateful for making it to almost 37 weeks.
  • My amazing husband, little growing twins, loving mother, best friend of a sister, wonderful family and friends.  And the support of all of you ladies!!

    happy holidays to you all

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