
s/o If you do a stocking for your child when do they receive it?

We celebrate St. Nicholas so St. Nicholas fills the stockings while Carter is sleeping the night of the 5th and when he wakes up on the 6th he gets his filled stocking.

 We never fill his stocking (or did we as kids) for Christmas.


Re: s/o If you do a stocking for your child when do they receive it?

  • they are filled x-mas eve, by santa... and are the last thing to be opened on x-mas morning after all the gifts are opened.  This is how we did it as kids, and we do with our kids.
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  • Christmas morning.

    Excuse my ignorance... but what is that a different holiday or something?


    David "BD" 2/8/07 Spencer 9/12/11
  • That's interesting.  We left our shoes outside to be filled.  Then Santa hung our stockings upstairs on the railings because we were not under any circumstances allowed to go downstairs before my parents at 8.  So we would be so excited about our stockings that we would wake up at 3 or 4 in the morning and opened them and then we would sleep in the same bed until our alarm.  We were cute. 
    Madelyn 3/1/07 image, Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • Christmas morning.  When my brother and I were kids we always sat and opened our stockings first.  We haven't quite worked out that tradition in our own house yet :)
  • We do it on December 5ht, so they get them the morning of the 6th.

    To the poster that asked, yes, its a different holiday. In the US, its mostly communities with a really strong German influence that celebrate. Its on St Nicholas' birthday.


    Annelise 3.22.2007 Norah 10.24.2009 Amelia 8.7.2011
  • Xmas morning.  One in their room, one in our room, and one by the fireplace
  • Thanks Jessica!   I knew about St Nick, but didn't realize that he was celebrated seperately from Santa Claus. 


    David "BD" 2/8/07 Spencer 9/12/11
  • We do shoes on the 6th and stockings Christmas morning.  But the shoes just have a couple things in them (Christmas socks, a new toothbrush, some candy, and one little toy) while the stockings are much bigger. 

  • This year, we will do stockings on Christmas morning.  When we open gifts/stockings at home depends on if DH is working or not.  This year, we get to have him home on Christmas Day!  Yay!
  • Xmas morning but St. Nick day, we leave shoes out to be filled with money and oranges and that is Dec 5th I think.... 
  • We celebrate St. Nick by putting our stockings out on the 5th and opening them on the 6th.  Like PP said, it's mostly in communites with strong German roots.
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