
If you delivered between 35 and 37 weeks

I was told that my amniotic fluid is low and I am scheduled for a level 2 u/s next Thursday. I think he dropped today but I am not certain. If I go into labor or they decide to deliver him next week what could that mean health wise for my baby?

Re: If you delivered between 35 and 37 weeks

  • It depends - at 35 weeks I think you could anticipate a little NICU time to make sure he's eating well, gaining weight, maintaining temp, jaundice, etc..  I'm not sure if the baby could need respiratory support but I wouldn't think so (or at least minimal). 

    At 36 or especially 37 weeks I wouldn't think in most instances you would need any NICU time.

    I hope your LO stays inside until 37 weeks!  Wouldn't that be awesome!!?!

  • I had a C-section at 35w5d due to low amniotic fluid. My DD was in the NICU for 7 days, on oxygen for 5 (nasal canula). Her lungs were developed but there was fluid on them, causing her to have difficulty breathing. She also didn't eat well at all. We worked very hard at each feeding  pushing her jaw up and squeezing her cheeks to get her to eat. They started to think about a feeding tube but we were able to avoid it.

    My best friend had her DD at 36 weeks exactly and she had no problems at all! Every baby is different.

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  • Had son at 36w4d- no NICU time here. Spent a little time under the lights to keep his temp. up.
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  • imageCMDR513:
    Had son at 36w4d- no NICU time here. Spent a little time under the lights to keep his temp. up.

    Had my son at 35wk, 5d - emergency c/s for lack of movement (amniotic fluid was fine).  Same as above though - no NICU and under lights to keep body temp up.  He/We were discharged once he was able to maintain his body temp and that was 3d after birth.

  • DD was born at 35w4d with no issues at all. They kept her for observation for 4 days and for billi levels---she never had any medical interventions. We are very lucky. The only difficulty we encountered was BFing---the hospital introduced bottles to her immediately and I still have to EP to this day (8+ months later). If I could go back I would force them to syringe/cup feed her the milk that I pumped at first. A lot of babies can get back to the breast, but not my stubborn redhead. :) Best of luck and hopefully your LO can keep baking!!
  • Thank you all! I will be 36 weeks tomorrow and so far so good. You all have really helped ease my mind because I was (am) really stressig about the issues. I really appreciate it.
  • My LO was born at 35w 5d he was in the NICU for 21 days learning how to eat, he had a bit of a jaundice problem as well and since I spiked a fever during delivery he was on antibiotics for awhile. He is a happy, healthy, flourishing baby right now except he has an umbilical hernia and he is a tad bit behind on his milestones.
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  • I delivered my twins at 35weeks 4days. They both spent 1 week in the NICU, including the time that I was in the hospital. They didn't need any breathing support - just some help feeding & growing.
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