She's pretty certain that she will be able to leave at 2pm and then be back by 6pm. DH is going to pick her up and then take her home. My family eats at 3, so he will take food with him and they will eat together and then we DD and I are done eating and seeing my sick gma, then we will go over to DH's gma to visit. DH will take her back and then DD and I will go over to his other gma's house and then finally to MIL's and then home.
I am so tired just thinking about it, and really am not happy about not eating dinner with DH, but oh well. I refuse to not eat dinner my gma.
Re: Finally figured out what to do with DH's gma for tomorrow
He convinced her to go home for 4 hours tomorrow. Well, DH is going to be there so he can't do anything. I have her car keys and DH and I made a sweep of the house and took all the cash and we have her checkbook too. So we are certain, there will be no money exchanging hands tomorrow.
She's going out to NM on the 22nd of Dec. Maybe earlier. He's such a skeezer.