1. Turkey or Ham
2. Mashed or Sweet Taters
3. Travel or Stay home?
4. Do you see all your family or just some?
5. Favorite Turkey Day Tradition
6. Football or Parades?
7. Fondest thanksgiving memory?
8. What are you most thankful for this year?
Re: NBR: Thanksgiving Poll
1. Turkey or Ham
2. Mashed or Sweet Taters
3. Travel or Stay home? Both. This year we're staying home. We rotate.
4. Do you see all your family or just some? We see most of my immediate family. My sister lives in Seattle and doesn't come home for T'giving.
5. Favorite Turkey Day Tradition Just spending as much of the day as I can in the kitchen with my mom. I love testing the dressing while she makes it and helping her to adjust the spices.
6. Football or Parades? Neither. I don't really care.
7. Fondest thanksgiving memory? I don't have 1 specific memory. I just enjoy the time with my family.
8. What are you most thankful for this year? A healthy family
1. Turkey or Ham? Turkey...it's one of my favorite meals!
2. Mashed or Sweet Taters? Both
3. Travel or Stay home? This year, staying home
4. Do you see all your family or just some? None this year, just my ILs (wish me luck...they'll be here very soon!)
5. Favorite Turkey Day Tradition? The turkey!
6. Football or Parades? Football, though it'd be nice if one year one of "my" teams were playing since it feels silly to watch teams I couldn't care less about, LOL, esp. given how rarely I watch any football on TV these days. DH grew up in NY so the parade is part of their tradition, but I never, ever watched it growing up....always football.
7. Fondest Thanksgiving memory? I think giving birth has to take the cake on this one....
8. What are you most thankful for this year? My healthy and happy family...I love them
Our Thanksgiving Day baby 11/22/07
Pregnant with #2 with LPD, uterine polyp/hysteroscopy, DOR (AMH = 0.17), 2 c/ps
Our early Christmas present 12/9/10
Technically, I'm having 2 Thanksgiving meals this year. One on Thurs and one on Fri so I'll answer for both.
1. Turkey or Ham & Surf and Turf
2. Mashed or Sweet Taters
3. Travel or Stay home?
4. Do you see all your family or just some?
5. Favorite Turkey Day Tradition eating, of course
6. Football or Parades? I prefer parades, but football prevails
7. Fondest thanksgiving memory? Shopping the day after Thanksgiving and getting up at like 3 am! Sounds bad, but it was soo much fun!
8. What are you most thankful for this year? Great health, my parents, DH, and my 7 month old!
1. Turkey or Ham - Turkey usually
2. Mashed or Sweet Taters - Both, but I call sweet potatoes "candied yams"
3. Travel or Stay home? - usually travel, but it varies
4. Do you see all your family or just some? the family i want to the most:o)
5. Favorite Turkey Day Tradition it's not the day of, but Thanksgiving weekend we go chop down the Christmas tree for my Dad's house & get the grave covers & visit Grandpa & Mom's gravesites
6. Football or Parades? FOOTBALL!
7. Fondest thanksgiving memory? it's good & bad - first thanksgiving without mom, BUT my first thanksgiving doing all the cooking.
8. What are you most thankful for this year? a happy & healthy pregnancy & my wonderful husband!
1. Turkey or Ham
2. Mashed or Sweet Taters
3. Travel or Stay home? We are going to some friend's and doing our own. But it's all local.
4. Do you see all your family or just some? Just my dad and brother. DH's family goes to the beach. The rest of my family is in PA.
5. Favorite Turkey Day Tradition None really. But we cook everything ourselves, with my dad and brother and I love that.
6. Football or Parades? I like the parades and the guys like football.
7. Fondest thanksgiving memory? When I lived in PA (when I was younger)... just being with all of my family. I miss my family.
8. What are you most thankful for this year? My healthy, perfect little girl. And my family's health.
1. Turkey or Ham - Turkey
2. Mashed or Sweet Taters- Mashed taters
3. Travel or Stay home? - Stay home
4. Do you see all your family or just some? Usually dinner with our friends
5. Favorite Turkey Day Tradition - Going for a long walk after dinner
6. Football or Parades? - Depends on my mood
7. Fondest thanksgiving memory? Last year when we did have ALL our family in - about 30 people were in town for the weekend. It was so crazy but so fun! There was also the time when I was 10 and my uncle showed up to dinner drunk off his a$$ and broke our dining room chair.
8. What are you most thankful for this year? My beautiful daughter, step son, and DH. We grow closer with each passing day.
1. Turkey or Ham Both
2. Mashed or Sweet Taters Sweet
3. Travel or Stay home? Stay Home - All of our family lives within 25 minutes, but we eat at their houses
4. Do you see all your family or just some? We see most...some of my IL's live in Seattle and FL
5. Favorite Turkey Day Tradition Pumpkin pancakes while watching the parade
6. Football or Parades? Parade!
7. Fondest thanksgiving memory? Just being with family and enjoying the company and food.
8. What are you most thankful for this year? Being healthy and pregnant...wow that still has not sunk in yet!
1. Turkey or Ham
2. Mashed or Sweet Taters
3. Travel or Stay home?
4. Do you see all your family or just some?
5. Favorite Turkey Day Tradition Don't really have any
6. Football or Parades? Both
7. Fondest thanksgiving memory? Nothing stands out
8. What are you most thankful for this year? having Natalie and DH to share it with
1. Turkey or Ham
2. Mashed or Sweet Taters
3. Travel or Stay home? we are going to Dh's aunt and uncle's house to celebrate thanksgiving with his extended family for lunch and then we will go to my parents to celebrate with my family with dinner.
4. Do you see all your family or just some? almost all of Dh's extended family and just my immediate family.
5. Favorite Turkey Day Tradition Don't really have any with dh
6. Football or Parades? Both- macys parade in the AM and football in the afternoon(i dont sit and watch the whole game though)
7. Fondest thanksgiving memory? we used to celebrate every thanksgiving with my best friend's family!!
8. What are you most thankful for this year? having a healthy family!!
1. Turkey or Ham Turkey (although I love Honey Baked Ham too)
2. Mashed or Sweet Taters mashed
3. Travel or Stay home? It looks like the new tradition is to host it at my house.. so stay home (Yay!)
4. Do you see all your family or just some? All of my immediate family, and my IL's
5. Favorite Turkey Day Tradition watching the Macy's Day parade
6. Football or Parades? parade, and then the Dog show, but that always gets trumped by stupid football.
7. Fondest thanksgiving memory? watching the parade while my dad cooked our meal (yep, dad was/is the cook)
8. What are you most thankful for this year? my beautiful girl, wonderful husband, and having a job.