Alabama Babies

Anyone else irritated by the Iron Bowl date?

I, for one, am pretty ticked that it's even Thanksgiving weekend but to have it on the Friday after Thanksgiving??  That sucks.  It really makes it hard on people who travel and it's just a stupid idea.  It makes it hard, or in our case impossible, to get together with friends b/c everyone is traveling to see family for TG. 

I think it's safe to say I hate this new date and hope it doesn't stay like this for long.

DD 6/17/08, DD 6/9/10, DD 12/15/11
BFP 5/24/13 - Natural MC 6/7/13
BFP 8/13/13 - Natural MC 8/27/13
Ovarian Mass = removal of left ovary & tube 9/13
BFP 4/24/14 - Tubal Pregnancy 5/7/14
Removal of  ruptured right tube 5/8/14
IVF or adoption??

Re: Anyone else irritated by the Iron Bowl date?

  • well I hate it being the wknd of Thanksgiving in general.  When your DH works for athletics and football you have no choice but to live by the teams schedule. 

    It was supposed to be Sat but then they changed it to Fri b/c of TV.  I liked it MUCH better when it was the wknd previous as it has been for a while.  I wish they'd go back to that.

    We already never know what Christmas is like b/c of bowl games - it may just be he and I in a hotel whereever the game is b/c they would report b/f Christmas.  My mom understands but it's still going to be weird.  I personally am REALLY hoping for an after New Years game so that we wouldn't have to be there until after Christmas.  Brad would rather it be sooner to get it all over with.

    Thus our lives.

    When it's an away Iron Bowl game for us, it's worse. 

    oh well!!!  My parents are coming here so I'm lookign forward to it and they are going to the game w/us.  Mom already has her orange all ready!!!!

  • imageaubie96:

    When your DH works for athletics and football you have no choice but to live by the teams schedule. 

    Girl...I don't know how you do it.  Seriously.

    DD 6/17/08, DD 6/9/10, DD 12/15/11
    BFP 5/24/13 - Natural MC 6/7/13
    BFP 8/13/13 - Natural MC 8/27/13
    Ovarian Mass = removal of left ovary & tube 9/13
    BFP 4/24/14 - Tubal Pregnancy 5/7/14
    Removal of  ruptured right tube 5/8/14
    IVF or adoption??
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  • I do not like the timing at all. I personally feel as though all teams should have a break this week so that they can spend a little time w/ their families.

    I also dislike that it is a Friday day game-when some still have to work.

  • Yeah, it is a little irritating.
    Married 5/31/08 * TTC#1 9/09 - 2/11
    after anovulatory diagnosis and TTC for 1 1/2yrs with several medicated cycles and one chemical pregnancy, we have our first bundle of joy!
    IT'S A GIRL!
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
    #2 EDD 2/5/13 dx with anti-BIG E antibody, seeing a MFM
    Lilypie Maternity tickers
    VOTE on my Name List
    I don't take one single minute for granted.
  • imagesouthernbelle82:

    When your DH works for athletics and football you have no choice but to live by the teams schedule. 

    Girl...I don't know how you do it.  Seriously.

    I just accept it.  I married into it and knew what I was getting into.  Luckily I'm a fan and alum so it makes it easier.

    Next year is when it will be hard w/a LO.  I won't be able to take her to all the games like I'm used to but my BFF who goes w/me to the games has offered to help.  Plus I won't be going to away games anymore.  We don't have family close (closest is 3.5 hrs), so I will probably be apart from Brad for Thanksgiving next year (he is going to hate being apart from me and his new daughter!!!!) and who knows about Christmas.

    My family is flexible with us thankfully so we just play it by ear every year.

    But yeah, if they have practice/have to report, so does he for the most part.

    I just have to accept it and embrace it.  I'm used to it now but I know it will be different next year.

  • imageloyo03:

    I do not like the timing at all. I personally feel as though all teams should have a break this week so that they can spend a little time w/ their families.

    I also dislike that it is a Friday day game-when some still have to work.

    I don't know what Bama does but AU invites the players and families for a Thanksgiving meal tomorrow so everyone is together.  That way their familes are here w/them and it makes it easier.

    Brad says it's top notch.

    and if a player isn't playing/dressing out, then they don't have as much to report for and if they are close can go home and come back.

    But I agree, I liked it MUCH better when we had Iron bowl the previous wknd and not the holiday one.

  • Just happens to work for me this year, but normally it would totally suck!
  • Yeah it sucks!!! I hate the new date! It needs to go back to the old way!
    Erin~N~Gregg 6/30/07 Project 365 imageCafeMom Tickers
  • Unfortunately ladies...its going to be like this until CBS decides otherwise. And seeing as CBS in contracted with the SEC for like another decade or so...well I guess we are screwed!

    Maybe after next year (its supposed to be on Friday again) they will change it so it does not interfere with holidays!

    Roll Tide!

    New to 3T? Check out this website first:

    Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end --Semisonic

    **TTC since 04/09, C/P 02/02/10; 4 weeks, 3 days**
    **Dx: Anovulation, Hypothryroidism, Mild Endo, Pituitary Adenoma (prolactin issues), PAI-1, MFI **

    **7/10: Clomid + TI= BFN**
    **3/2/11: 1st RE appointment**
    **DH= Morph= 2%, Motility= 30%**
    **HSG= All clear!!**
    **3/11: Femara + Pregnyl + TI= BFN**
    **5/17/11: Laparoscopy / hysteroscopy = mild endo**
    **7/11: Novarel + IUI #1= BFN (7mil, 75% motility, 2% morph)**
    **8/11: Femara + Novarel + IUI #2= BFN (11mil, 35% motility, 1% morph)**
    **11/11: Femara + Novarel + IUI #3= BFN (9mil, 2% morph)**
    **Jan 2012: Follistim (75ius) + IUI #4= CANCELLED due to cyst -put on bcp**
    **Feb 2012: Follistim (75ius) + Novarel + IUI #4.2= BFFN (2.5mil, 13% motility, 1% morph)**
    **Mar 2012: Follistim (100ius) + IUI #5= CANCELLED due to 35mm & 14mm cysts**
    **On med break indefinitely...IF Sucks!**

    **Jan 2013: Follistim (100ius) + IUI #5.2= CANCELLED due to high prolactin level, MRI scheduled, pituitary adenoma found, put on Dostinex**
    **Mar 2013: Follistim (100ius) + IUI #5.3= CANCELLED due to uterine polyp, surgery scheduled for polypectomy and D&C**
    **03/22/13: Hysteroscopy, polypectomy and D&C**
    **May 2013: Finally got to start a cycle!!! Follistim (100ius) + IUI #5.4 = BFFN (6mil, 74% motility, 2% morph)** 

    **Jun 2013: Decide to start IVF**
    IVF w/ICSI #1 (Long Lupron Protocol)
    06/26/13: Start BCPs
    07/02/13: HSG #2= all clear
    07/15/13: Start Lupron 10 ius
    07/25/13: Suppression check
    07/28/13: Start stims (225IUs Follistim + 75IUs Menopur) drop to 5 IUs Lupron
    08/01/13: Monitoring: 12 follicles all about 10mm, E2- 313
    08/04/13: Monitoring: 18 follicles (15mm, 13mm, a few 11mm, rest 10mm or below) E2- 1,505
    Start Augmentin- antibiotic prep
    08/06/13: Monitoring: 13 follicles (18mm, 17mm, rest b/w 15mm-16mm!) Ready to trigger!! E2- 2,248
    08/08/13: ER-- 14R, 13M, 10F 
    08/11/13: One fertilized late, we now have 11 embryos!
    08/13/13: 5dt-- 2 blasts (Sheldon and Penny) 3AA and 3BB, none to freeze
    8/23/13: BFFN... Sheldon and Penny didn't stick**

    **8/29/13: Follow up... bad fragmentation issues. Changing protocol to Antagonist for round #2 coming soon! Also started on 81mg Aspirin after getting blood panel done and found out I have PAI-1**

    **Oct 2013: After large cysts, finally starting IVF #2**
    IVF w/ICSI #2 (Antagonist Protocol)
    BCPs started back in Sept due to cysts
    10/27/13: Start stims (225 IUs Gonal-F + 75 IUs Menopur)
    11/03/13 - 11/05/13: Add Ganirelix to the mix
    11/06/13: 3 follicles at 18mm-- Ready to trigger!
    11/08/13: ER-- 17R, 13M, 8F
    11/13/13: 5dt-- 2 blasts (Luke and Leia) 5AB and 4AB, 1 frostie
    11/20/13- 11/23/13: light positives on FRERs and Wondofos
    11/22/13: BFN per RE office (under HCG of 10)
    11/27/13: CP ::sigh::

    *12/03/13: Follow up...great response and quality this time, was given 50% chance of it working, just didn't stick. Great plan for 2014! 

    **Jan 2014: Last IVF of our SRP**
    IVF w/ICSI, freeze all, then FET
    12/27/13: Start BCPs
    01/19/14: Stims (375 IUs Gonal-F + 75 IUs Menopur)

    Congratulations Cutebride!! --TWINS!! Congratulations, Luvie, on your sweet boy! Congrats, Jess! So happy for you ladies! <3<3  
    ~~Also best of luck to Kati, illinigal, and youngin!~~


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