North Carolina Babies

Working, Pumping moms I have a question

Is it realistically possible to not pump during the day at all?  I'd like to nurse B in the morning before work and then in the evenings after work.  I'd really like to be done with pumping.  I have about 1700 oz of frozen milk in the freezer so this would cover what I need daily for daycare and random bottles for the next 3.5 months.  I know I'd have to gradually drop a pump to get pumpless during the day but what are your thoughts?  Will this totally kill my supply?

Re: Working, Pumping moms I have a question

  • I have no advice, but I want to say that I am totally impressed that you have 1700 oz in your freezer stash!
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  • I would drop it gradually.  I went from 3 (I got to nurse Nora once during the day at first) to 2 to 1 over about 6 months just bc that's what Nora required, but I would just drop one pump at a time, probably spacing the drops about 2 weeks apart to give your body time to adjust.  My supply has not tanked (I'm still nursing in the morning and before bed).  I don't think I have much left for her in the evening (that's always been the case for me), but she's definitely getting some bc she's sucking and swallowing.  I still do have a lot in the morning though.  I think your body should adjust fine.  And congrats on the 1700 oz.  That's quite the accomplishment!
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  • kellymom has an article on partial weaning.  I think you will be able to maintain your supply even if you just BF in the morning and evening.  I would have loved to stop pumping by this time and have enough in the freezer but my supply tanked at around 6 months. GL

  • I would definitely drop gradually to prevent discomfort. You should be fine only nursing. Milk supply is based on demand, so your body will know when your LO needs milk to nurse. But if you decided to restart pumping, that might be difficult. GL! Way to go on having so much milk stored for him, that's awesome!
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