Is it realistically possible to not pump during the day at all? I'd like to nurse B in the morning before work and then in the evenings after work. I'd really like to be done with pumping. I have about 1700 oz of frozen milk in the freezer so this would cover what I need daily for daycare and random bottles for the next 3.5 months. I know I'd have to gradually drop a pump to get pumpless during the day but what are your thoughts? Will this totally kill my supply?
Re: Working, Pumping moms I have a question
Catching up on sports news...
kellymom has an article on partial weaning. I think you will be able to maintain your supply even if you just BF in the morning and evening. I would have loved to stop pumping by this time and have enough in the freezer but my supply tanked at around 6 months. GL
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