I am due on X-mas day and my DS this past week has become increasingly clingy. He is a very laid back boy, we are so fortunate with his even temperment. This past week though he has been taking close to an hour to get to sleep, waking frequently at night wanting held, and just wanting held essentially all day by me only. He goes to daycare twice a week and loves it, never has once cried there, etc.
DH always does drop off and the 2 days this week DS melted down as he was leaving. The teachers are wonderful with him and ask DH not to linger as it makes it worse, but it is so heart breaking to see this typically happy child feel so out of sorts. I thought maybe he was getting sick, but not even a sniffle and he has tubes in, so no EI. When we ask him what is worng he tells us he is sad. Any advice to ease this transition for him, or at the least help him out at daycare so drop off is not as traumatic? Tia!
Re: Need advice! New baby and clingy toddler...
DS has been going through phases like this. They seem to last a week or so. I am due a little later than you.
I attribute it to a combo of being a toddler (and thus having uneven moods regardless!), possible teething pain (DS is working on molars) and reaction to the new baby.
It is so hard to know how much they "get" about a baby coming. DS knows my tummy is getting bigger and we talk about babys and such, but I don't think he really understands what is going to happen. However I do think he senses that things are changing.
Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo