
WWYD? Thanksgiving

We have plans tomorrow to bring the babies to my parents' house for Thanksgiving. This was going to work because dinner is small - just my mom and dad, Nana, sister and her boyfriend and DH, me and the babies. I just talked to my mom and she said that it seems my sister is coming down with a cold. Sister said that she'd wear a mask and stay away from the babies, or she just wouldn't go to dinner at all and will go to her boyfriend's family's instead. I was really looking forward to getting out with the babies for the holiday, but now I don't know what to do. I feel bad telling my sister she can't see her family on Thanksgiving. What do you think?

 - Go and let my sister come and wear a mask and keep her distance?
- Ask my sister not to come to dinner?
- Just stay home with DH and the babies?



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Re: WWYD? Thanksgiving

  • ouch, that's tough.  If your sister has a fever and/or nasty cough, I definitely wouldn't get around her.  If not, maybe a mask and not getting near her would be enough... 
  • Not #1.

    I would call my sister and work out together either #2 or 3!

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  • imagelemen99:

    Not #1.

    I would call my sister and work out together either #2 or 3!

    She just called me and told me that she would stay away. She said it was more important that the babies go and be with their grandparents and great grandmother for their first Thanksgiving. I just feel really bad tossing her out like that. But she said if I don't go, she won't go either out of spite and then it would be bad for everyone. Sigh. I guess I'll have to ask her not to come :(

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  • It sounds like your sister understands how important it is to keep germs away from your babies. I would talk to her and work something out so you can spend Thanksgiving with family.
  • Your sister should get a prize for being a super auntie!  That's awesome that she's so thoughtful and careful of your precious LOs.
  • I'm sorry that you had to choose but I'm so glad to hear that your sister is apparently AMAZING :-)

    It's nice that she made the decision for you!  How mature of her!

  • Good for her..she sounds like my sister.  She called me last night to warn of a sore throat and she said she wouldn't feel comortable taking the risk...Good aunties!!!
  • You're sister is awesome and wonderfully understanding. I wish she was in my family, where no one gets that if their kid has a cold/ they are sick for 2 days, if my kid gets a cold, he is hospitalized for respiratory distress.
  • imageborc0080:
    Your sister should get a prize for being a super auntie!  That's awesome that she's so thoughtful and careful of your precious LOs.


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