Two Under 2

? About getting pg while bf

Those that got pg before PP AF came....

Were the signs of ovulation as obvious as the first time you got pregnant?

What made you test?

I am still nursing DD at night and 3 times a day, she is a year now. I'd like to get pg soon, but am not ready to wean yet. I feel like I am wasting so many preg. tests cause I never know when to test being that I havent had a pp AF yet!

Re: ? About getting pg while bf

  • I thought I was pg when I started having the same food aversions as I did with DS, I was also feeling a little nauseated.
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  • We did IVF for Kacey and were told our chances were less than 5% so I really didn't pay attention to anything. I remember having increased CM shortly after stopping nighttime nursing and a few weeks later I had the slightest hint of spotting (so little though, like if I had black underwear on I never would have known). I started feeling really sicka nd worn down and then got bad gas pains that were lasting a few weeks and nothing I ate helped. I finally decided to go to a doctor to get checked out but assumed they would make me to a HPT so I did one. Shock of shocks it was positive. At that point I was 8 weeks already. Talk about being in denial!
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