Yipee! We finally figured out what was going on with our pedi's office today. They are doing a one day clinic to give out the shot, so I signed Eli up. I'm not sure what that means about him getting a booster shot in another month, but we'll just have to deal with that when the time comes. At least for now he's getting something!
Now I still have to find one for myself and DH, and also a regular flu shot for Eli. This is so much trouble!!!
Re: Eli is getting the H1N1 vaccine!
Yeah, the whole booster deal is such a PITA! As if the first dose isn't hard enough to find! Holly's pedi does have them, and she got it last week. Her 2nd dose is scheduled for Dec 22. Let's hope they still have them!
We've all got our seasonal ones.
Starz--Holly got her second seasonal dose and her first H1N1 dose at the same time. Hopefully you can get them both for her at the same visit!
Jack got the vaccine for both the H1N1 and seasonal flu last week, but our pedi wouldn't even schedule an appointment for the boosters yet since they didn't know how long their supply would last. We have to call back in a month to schedule for the booster - if there is any left. It's frustrating, but at least we're halfway there I guess.