We are going to CT for Turkey Day. We all need to fit into one car (3 adults + 2 car seats), so she rented one.
Instead of getting the minivan that we told her to, she got a full-sized car. You know, like a Camry. That's not much bigger than our current Corolla.
She said "well, we can upgrade." Um, expecting a minivan to be available the day you leave, which is the day before Thanksgiving? Good luck with that.
And now there are no minivans available, and an SUV will cost about 3x as much.
Freakin' genius.
Re: Grrr. This is so typical of my mom.
Look at it this way. Even if you had reserved a minivan, when you went to pick it up they would have been out and offered you a full sized car instead.
It is a classic car rental move.
Your mom can sit in the back between the car seats.
She said that she would rent the van, so I went to take a shower. By the time I got out, she had paid for the car on Priceline (not even directly with Alamo where we might be able to bribe someone).
I assume that it was because it was cheaper. SHE assumed that she would upgrade when she got to the counter. You can't upgrade to a van that isn't on the lot, mom.
Darned right she will be the one between the seats in back.
I just don't get why she does stuff like this. She's traveled around the world, for Pete's sake. She knows how reservations work, and don't work.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008