So how important would you say it would be to deliver at a hospital with a level III NICU when having twins?
I'm sort of upset because I love my OB office and chose them because they delivered at a hospital with a level III NICU near our home. At the time I didn't know I was expecting twins, but thought it would be a nice thing to have. Now I get a letter from my office saying that with a new hospital nearby they are going to start delivering there instead of the one with the NICU. I'll be able to talk with my doc more about it at my appt. next week, but I'm upset that I may not be able to deliver somewhere with a NICU.
I know that should my babies need it they will be taken by ambulance to a level III NICU, but I'm not necessarily comfortable with them being at a different hospital than I will. Am I over reacting?
Re: Level III NICU
I wasn't even allowed to consider delivering anywhere else.
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
A level 3 NICU was my most important criteria when choosing a hospital, so that's what I did. I was very fortunate to not need it, but many twins do.
One big factor is that if you deliver at a hospital that doesn't have one and the babies need it - they'll be transferred (which can cost precious time and be detrimental to their health) and you'll remain at the hospital you deliver at due to insurance - so then you'd be away from your babies. I didn't want that.
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I didn't have twins so take this with a grain of salt.
Around here, if your baby is critical, they are going to be transferred to Childrens immediately, so it doesn't matter much. They will release you ASAP if that happens, and you will go over to Childrens from that point forward. Thus, it was more important to me to deliver at a hospital that I felt like I could acheive the kind of birth I wanted, then to deliver at one with a low level NICU.
It is very important. Life or death important. If your doctor won't deliver you at the hospital with the level 3 nicu before a certain point in your pregnancy, you must switch.
This isn't something to screw around with. According to the March of Dimes, more than half of twins are born premature. You want your kids to be born in the hospital with the best NICU possible.