My 36 year old, divorced, single mother of a special needs 7 year old, financially struggling cousin just announced on Facebook that she's going to be a Mom again.
Ok, so like how bad is it that I have no idea who the baby daddy is?
It's offical, I'm a bitter old barren woman cause this really ticks me off.
TTC since July 2007
a year on our own, 7 IUIs spread out over 2 years, all BFN
IVF attempt #1 - September - antagonist protocol, called off CD8 due too poor response
IVF attempt #2 - November - called off on CD11 due to low estrogen
IVF attempt #3 - started stims Jan 25th...converted/cancelled Jan 31st...SWITCHED BACK TO IVF Feb 3rd!
ER Feb 7th...lets DO this!
ET Feb 12th, Beta #1 141, Beta #2 356, u/s #1 hb 141 bpm, u/s at 7 weeks 1 day no hb, missed m/c. So sad.
IVF #4 scheduled for June 2011, last chance, this is it
Re: I just have to share re: cousin's annoucement
I understand your resentment. Not to stereotype, but it seems that the type of person you just posted about has an endless supply of good eggs and fertility, and no clue how to give the baby half a chance at a decent life.
I have to qualify that by saying that I raised DS as a single mom for 8 years before DH came along. It was a struggle while I finished my education, but I knew full well what birth control is, and used it. Not trying to look down on anyone, because I have been there, but I understand where you are coming from. It is so unfair!
Yikes...that had to be a tough annoucement to hear.
I agree with have2run. It seems like those who get pg most easily are often most unprepared to care for a child. I usually just chalk it up to the idea that since they don't have a lot going on in their lives they have all the time in the world to just lay around and BD...that's my theory allows me to sleep at night when stories like this come along.
Sorry, JDG.
I know how you feel. It's a natural reaction - and one you can feel free to vent here!
There are so many stories all around about people having kids when they are ill prepared, doing all sorts of awful things to their bodies, etc. And more stories about people who have kids and abuse/neglect them.
It's heartbreaking: No two ways about it.
I hope that your cousin finds a way to make it work, for her 7-year-old's sake, and the baby's sake. And I hope that very soon, you are announcing that you're going to be a mom, too.
I love how honest we can be on here...and how supportive everyone is.
Thanks everyone!