
My Strange Children... Bodily Fluids Episode

Voice -

When last seen, the KoriBretts had their roof fixed (hooray!), Kori was on good meds (hoo even rayer), the kids were terrorists as usual, Brett was, as usual, tired but good.

Imagine if you will... Bryan, every night, playing happily in his room, then suddenly BOLTING for the bathroom and carefully putting the ring on the toilet, trying oh-so-hard to climb up on it himself.  No, he doesn't do anything, but nightly he likes to sit there and pretend.  Gets down, takes the ring off, and flushes.  Hey, babysteps folks.

Again with Bryan...  Kori gets him up from nap yesterday only to find his entire ear crusted over with goo... cleans it out only to have MORE oozing out everywhere.  Fun! 

Kori is irritated that her period seems to last a full 2 weeks now, wtf is going on, pre menopause?  No, I don't really want to know.  I just want it to stop, please and thankyou.

Samantha, lovely girl that she is, now holds it until it's "OMG MOMMY I HAVE TO PEE NOW I CAN'T HOLD IT".  Why?  Really, kid, go pee, Kori will appreciate not having to get her out of the car halfway down the driveway to take her back in to pee....after telling mommy that she didn't have to go.

Tune in next time.... will the bathroom redo of 09 happen, or will the clawfoot tub sit lonely in the hallway evermore?

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