I saw that you paged me ...
How are you? I did the pre-administration at the hospital today and that really hit me that I'm going to have this baby SOON. I'm trying not to panic.
As for baby boy dolls, I found one at TRU ... some of those baby dolls have scary faces! So I picked the non-scariest as possible, brought it home and she was not impressed. So, we just dress her fave doll in boy preemie onesies. this one from pbk is pretty cute tho: https://www.potterybarnkids.com/pkimgs/rk/images/dp/products/200946/0039/img43m.jpg
Re: isabella22
That is cute, but DD doesn't seem to like the all-over soft dolls, she likes the ones with the plastic faces. Agreed, on the scary faced dolls. Who makes some of these???
Yikes!!! Pre-admin already??? I just called the hospital (after reading some stuff on here) and our hospital does not allow siblings due to H1N1. I am so crushed. I think DD will have a hard time not seeing me for 2 days (?) when we have the baby. What is your hospital doing?
Is the nursery all set? I have been addicted to buying boy clothes online
Cannot stop...
I'm doing good. When I exert myself at all, I get really tight in the lower belly. Does that happen to you? Really weird...
When I went to the hospital today I checked about visitors. This hadn't occured to me until someone on here mentioned it last week. They said that as long as she didn't appear sickly, she could still visit. She has been overly attached to me lately, I think she might go a little nuts and think I've totally abandoned her if she can't see me and the baby. Esp. since I have to leave for the hospital before she wakes up annnnnnnnnnnnnnnd I'm having a c/s and will be in the hosp for 3 nights. I'm trying not to think about that part and continue to convince myself that she will have a blast with grammy.
Is your nursery set up? Mine is getting there. I need a freaking dresser. Dh seems to think that closet storage will be just fine. WRONG mister.
I'm going shopping for baby Ethan tomorrow to get clothes and other essentials. Baby gap has been my fave so far with baby boys clothes.
How is Miss Olivia doing with all of this? M is so excited but her seperation anxiety and the need for ME to do ev.ery.thing keeps escalating. I'm assuming it's baby related but oh wow, I could use a break some time! And then I freak out - "if i can't even handle 1 - how am I going to do 2???!!!"
my dh keeps reminding me that I'm not the 1st woman on the planet to care for 2 children ... he's probably right about that one.
Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}