
New here!

Hi all - newbie here :) We're just starting out on our adoption journey - we've been talking about adopting ever since we started dating and we're just now starting out researching agencies, open v. closed, etc. Any advice for us as we begin the process???? It's all so overwhelming when trying to whittle down the info from all the different websites, etc.


Thanks! :)


Re: New here!

  • Hi, and welcome!

    There's a lot of information out there, to be sure.  I think the easiest is to start with an introductory book, like Adoption for Dummies or The Complete Idiot's Guide to Adoption

    They provide lots of basic information on adoption, the different types, the processes, and how to research an agency.  Another good book is "The Complete Adoption Book."  Any of these will help you decide which type of adoption best ?fits? your family.

    If you then decide that domestic adoption is right for your family, you?ll need to find a good agency.  I highly recommend researching any agency you are considering to make sure it abides by ethical standards.  For domestic agencies, a great place to look them up is on the yahoo group called "AARD" (Adoption Agency Research ? Domestic).  That group is dedicated to giving honest feedback on agencies.  You can ask about the agencies you are interested in directly, and also search their archives and files.

    If you choose international, you?ll then need to pick from which country. The US Department of State's website lists the requirements to adopt from each country (
    ).  Once you've made your country choice, you'll need to find an agency that has a program specializing in adoptions from that country.  The yahoo group "Adoption Agency Research" is a phenomenal resource for vetting agencies, and works the same way as ?AARD.?

    As you start reading, you will no doubt have more specific questions.  That's where I've found this group to be invaluable.  There are so many posters here who are willing to share their knowledge and personal experiences, it's like having a support group on tap 24/7.

    Good luck!

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  • Thanks for the book recs - I'll definitely be looking at them over my break that's coming up :)
  • Welcome! Good luck with your exciting journey to adopt!
  • Welcome to the board! I know everything seems really overwhelming now, but it is all worth it. When I was just starting out, I googled all the adoption agencies in my area and called to request an information packet be mailed to us. Not very Green, but that way, DH and I could have something in front of us and we could go over everything together.

    The books that were recommended up top are great. I would also recomment The Whole Life Adoption Book. It opened my eyes to things I would never have really thought about.

    This board is great with really supportive and helpful ladies. Good luck on your journey.

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