
anyone wait until adjusted age for solids?

We tried at 5 months actual and then again at 6 months actual and DS doesn't really eat alot at all which is fine with me..i know it's for experience but in the past few days I am thinking about stopping and trying again when he is 6 months actual age because i just don't think he is ready even though pedi said he should prob be doing it and then he can be eating enough during the day and can stop feeding so much at night...but he realllllly slows down on his bottles everytime we start that he only eats like 3-4 ounces every 4-4.5 hours and that is not enough nutrients for him. I feel like maybe I will back off and try when he is 7 or 8 months acutal (5.5-6ish months adjested) Do you think this is too "late" to do solids...anyone else have this experience? He just isn't into food too much in general and i dont' want this to becomes something that is stressful and making him not eat like he should...

I was ok with him just eating a tiny bit, b/c that was a success, but as of today it's really cutting down on his bottles again.

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Re: anyone wait until adjusted age for solids?

  • We started our little ones on solids at 4mth actual.  It went ok for a week adn then A started gagging on the food and L 's tongue would get in the way.  We spoke to our preemie dr who suggested waiting until 4mths adjusted which would be 6mths actual.  I figured it was for the best.
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  • Our pedi suggested last week that we start solids - but Carter is only 2.5 months adjusted.  He only weighs 10lbs and eats about 24oz per day - so he doesn't meet any of the guidelines for starting solids except for actual age.  I am going to wait at least til 5 months...perhaps to 6 months actual before even considering it.  He sleeps great at night too. 
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  • We started at 6 months adjusted even though he was showing all the signs of readiness long before that - all the doctors and nutritionists reminded us that just because he looked/acted ready didn't mean his little digestive system was :-)
  • The nutritionist and neonatologist in the hospital said we should wait for adjusted age.  Their recommendation was that we could introduce cereal at 4 mo adjusted if he was meeting all criteria and we wanted to.  We should wait on everything else until 6 mo adjusted and he meets all criteria.  We haven't had the discussion with the pedi yet since he's only 2 mo actual, 3 weeks adjusted, but he's already developing good core strength and around 11lbs, so I'd consider starting.a little early, very slowly if he meets all criteria and is interested.  I don't see any reason to rush though since it's just for practice, not nutrition for the first few months anyway.  He also sleeps well, generally waking once between 8:30 and 7:30 so I don't think solids will help. 
  • We're waiting and haven't started anything yet. Our pedi. agreed with us in our decision to wait.?
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  • We waited until 6 months adjusted and I'm very glad we did.  DS had mild reflux and milk-soy protein intolerance, so I was cautious to try anything new.  DS LOVES to eat now and eats everything without any problems.  I saw no reason to rush into solids.
  • My 32 weeker didn't figure out solid food until she was 7 months old actual. We tried at 6 months and she wasn't into it. Tried again once a week until she got into it. Looking back it was pretty obvious. She got interested in our food...watching us put things in our mouth, reaching out for it, etc. Tired agin and BAM, she had it figured it.

    Same thing with finger foods. Tried at 9 months and she was all "What is this?" Now she's 10.5 months and is a champ at finger foods. She actually squawks at us feedin her cereal as she'd just rather feed herself.

    It'll come....just be patient....and don't compare to other kids. Just my advice....

  • We also waited until 6 months adjusted (8 months actual).  DD also had mild reflux and dairy/soy/some type of food intolerance. 

    I followed my instinct on this.  Our pedi basically said food goes by actual age not adjusted, and I guess we could have started a lot sooner (she was showing signs of readiness sooner than 8 months actual).  But in the end it turned out well.  DD loved rice cereal and picked up eating solids pretty quickly.

    We also didn't try to switch to table foods completely until 12 months adjusted.  But once we did DD completed that switch within a month.  

    In all honesty I don't understand the rush to solids.  It's so much easier just to breast feed/bottle feed all the time.

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  • We started at 6 months actual but she never really got into it until about 8 months actual (so closer to 6 months adjusted) and even that was pretty short lived.
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  • Waiting for adjusted age...we waited till our first was 6 months, so it's not a big deal to us, although the Pedi asked at his 4 month if I was feeding any solids...uh, no.
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