

Isn't mullscum c. a pain in the arsss!!!  I was freaking out about it and afraid my other son was going to get it.  I hated how everyone said it would go away on its own.  I had never heard of it until my dr. saw it and we just thought it was a skin tag.  I cleaned sheets all the time.  Gave the boys seperates baths and wash cloths.  I think our son got rid of it in June ish.  I saw a little bump the other day and freaked but I don't think it is hopefully!!!  I have Aldara left just in case!!

Re: Bellisimo

  • YES!  And it's waaaaaay more common than you'd think.  I had NO idea what it was until DS got it just after starting preschool (and I've been working with kids in and out of hospital and school settings for years now).  MH immediately diagnosed it as molluscum and I researched it....and grossed out.  They say to never share towels, wash cloths or bathe the kids together.  I was even afraid that we would catch it, but the derm reassured me that it's highly unlikely that we would as it is more common in kids for some reason.  But yeah, it frustrated me to no end for a solid year and some change.  I thought it was NEVER going to go away, but once we learned to avoid skin to skin contact and got each bump to come to fruition and heal that was the end of it!   
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  • Hopefully neither of us have to deal with it again!!!  Knock on wood!
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  • Yes!  It's amazing the junk DS has picked up since starting preschool/MDO.
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  • Really!  DS started preschool this year so that is a bit scary to know.  Yucky! 
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