
Do any of you have knee problems?

I'm nervous. I've had knee pain/issues since I was a teenager. I was a ballet dancer from 7 years old until I was 21, so I know that plays into a lot of the pain. After I quit dancing, I took up running- strike two against my knees. After I had DD1, I tried running again, but I was in so much pain that I had to start running on a rubberized track to help with the impact. I don't know why it's taken me so long to get around to going to the doctor, but I finally went last week. She felt me knees and manipulated them both. She agreed with me that my left knee is much worse than my right. I did the same thing to them once I got home, and I could feel the creaking and grinding in my knee by putting my hand over my knee cap!

I have an appointment on Wednesday with an orthopedist, but I'm so worried that I've waited too long. My dad and grandmother both had knee replacement surgeries in their fifties. I'm hoping I'm not next in line. 

I would love to read about any experiences anyone has with knee problems and what your diagnosis/treatment was. TIA.

Re: Do any of you have knee problems?

  • i have knees that grind and crack when i climb stairs. my grandmother used to always say softball would catch up to me. i've not had them check but i should. after i had amarah there was a period where i couldn't sit on the floor b/c my knees would give and i couldn' t stand u. i couldn't climb stairs with her for fear they would give out. it was awful. my grandma just had knee replacement surgery and she's 81. she was back up and at 'em w/in a week or two and she walks w/out her limp now and feels much better. my mom had knee surgery in '06 but i can't remember much about it. i'll ask them later.

  • My Dh has torn his miniscus (sp?) 3 times.  It is a pretty easy surgery that leads to immediate relief.  I wish he would not play hockey though because it makes his risk of reinjury much higher.
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  • I had three knee surgeries by the time I was 22.  My lateral ligament was too long, so essentially, in stead of my knee caps being like this: | | they were like this: - - pretty much exactly opposite of how they were supposed to be because the ligament was too long to keep them straight.  Both had to be corrected wen I was 13.   Then the third time was to clean out scar tissue on my right knee.  It needs to be done again, because i have to pop the knee to relieve pain.  IDK.  I don't have time for surgery  GL!
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