It's not a good idea to eat 1/2 a can of the Planters "nut-rition" stuff. It's super good, w/ cherries, cranberries, almonds, granola and pistachios, but each serving has 5g of fiber in it. So yea....1/2 a can=4.5 servings at 5g of fiber a serving, comes to 22.5g of fiber. In one sitting. Yikes.

photos by jennied photography
Alissa Jean
Re: TMI FYI You are going to be having some fun in the bathroom later. I love walnuts and sat down and ate almost an entire bag. NOT and I repeat NOT a good idea.
When my sister got married her dh introduced her to dried fruit. (hey, we were raised as junk food junkies) and she was in love. She bought a rather large bag of dried appricots and ate almost all of it. She later realized (after spending one entire day in the bathroom) that she had eaten seveal FULL appricots. She didnt really think about it at the time since they are so small once dried.
Hope you um get everything worked out.....