
so...have I missed anything?

I had no idea bebemama liked me so much- we haven't really interacted, but I guess now I will have to keep an eye out for my new bff's posts...since she monitors mine so closely!

has FFG been around? I sure hope  she's doing well...

Re: so...have I missed anything?

  • Hey, Love.  I was just going to post here that you missed me.  LOL!

    I'm doing pretty good, actually.  I'm looking forward instead of behind me at this point.  I have my low moments, but they are getting fewer and farther in between.  Thanks for asking about me! 

    I have a blog link in my sig, if you are interested.  I've written a lot about feelings over all of this. 

  • Anyway, ?I don't monitor your posts closely. There are some posts that stick out in my mind and I don't forget. ?I certainly don't go around taking note of all that you say or anyone else for that matter. ?That just stuck. ?

    You can keep an eye on me if you'd like;)?


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