
how do I make my blunt card smaller?

I can't find a size on the code, but it's HUGE! (that's what she said) 

Re: how do I make my blunt card smaller?

  • Try this: instead of clicking on the card (as if you were going to send it) and copying the properties, just right click on the smaller "preview" picture and copy the properties from there. I *think* that's how I did it. If not, many apologies.
    ~Erica, Mommy to Peyton 9/06 & Cullen 9/09
  • First, you can take the <center> tag out of your code.

    Then just put width="400" (or less) in the image tag for the card like so:

    <img src="bluntcardurlhere" width="400" theirothercodethatyoudon'tneedinthereblahblah />

    All you need in that image code is the src (the source, or URL), and then the width if you want to resize it. All the rest is unnecessary. :)

    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
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