
Reassure Me?

So I had my 4 week check up today, and we couldn't find Baby A's heartbeat...:( My Dr. seemed confident that he was maybe towards that back and two heartbeats can be harder to find... I didn't get an U/S becasue there isn't one at the clinic.... good news is I was in on Monday and we found them both, I've been feeling great had no other complications etc. So anyone not always been able to find both babies?

Re: Reassure Me?

  • My OB did ultrasounds for the first 3 appointments (9, 13, and 17 weeks) because she said it's very difficult to pick up both heartbeats with just a doppler that early in the pregnancy. AFter that 17 week appointment I was seen by a peri regularly so I got an ultrasound with them every 4 weeks and then heard the heartbeats on the doppler with my regular OB every 4 weeks (it worked out so that I had an appoinment every 2 weeks). Even when I was further along in my pregnancy, my OB sometimes had a hard time finding both heartbeats. Will your OB be referring you to a peri specialist for appoinments and regular ultrasounds?? I think I started seeing a peri at 19weeks. If he hasn't recommended that you see one, I would talk to him about it.
  • 15w is still early to find HB on the doppler- it can be very tricky- esp with twins- so i wouldn't stress too much- but i'd be annoyed that my OB didn't send me for an US.

    My OB had an US machine in office- and if there was ever a question about the doppler they'd do a quick US to see the HBs.

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  • When I was in the hospital last week it took the nurse FOREVER to find even one heartbeat. The only reason she kept looking is because she HAD to. I'm sure its perfectly normal especially since the OB didnt seem worried about it!
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  • Once they found out (at 12w) that I was having twins, they never used a doppler on me, always a u/s, for accuracy. I know it must be so hard not to worry but I would try not to put too much stock in the Doppler. (((HUGS))) and let us know how the u/s goes.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • My midwife was always able to hear the HBs on the doppler, which we started using at about 10 weeks.  BUT, I was always having ultrasounds too, so I would assume they just did the doppler so I could hear the HBs like a regular mom.  :)
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