
Your Baby Can Read program

Has anyone heard of this program, or using it?

Re: Your Baby Can Read program

  • I have heard of it and had a friend who used it.  I personally think its nuts.  I don't think infants should be watching TV, and certainly not as a means to learn skills that are not even age appropriate. 

    I do not mean to sound snarky in the least, its just that there are so so so many age appropriate ways to engage a baby/infant/child that I don't understand how this would ever top someone's list. 

  • I think it is a crock. If it sounds too good to be true, it is...
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  • Honestly I don't understand the purpose of having a baby learn to read other than a parlor trick to show off to your friends and family.

    There have been discussions about this on here before but of course now I can't find the link.  There were several teachers (myself included) who strongly discouraged the use of this dvd.  Children who are pressured to learn things to soon often end up bored when they enter school.

    Hopefully some of the other teachers will chime in.  I'm not feeling particularly articulate today.

  • I teach Pre-K and one of my parents bought the complete package for their child.  The little boy hated it so the parent brought it in for me to use.  It is the most boring thing ever. They want your child to watch the DVD 2 times a day and then you have to use flash cards.  The dvd just has each word flash up and then it has a picture of the word,  For example, one of the words is gorilla then it shows a pic of a gorilla.  If the children learn from it, it is just by repitition.  Do not waste your money imo
  • AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

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