
One thing I don't like about Method cleaners

The toilet cleaner seems to make mold/mildew grow FASTER in our toilets. I think I'll be switching back to my Clorox toilet cleaner for that reason. Otherwise I'm brushing the dang things every 2 days.

Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)

Re: One thing I don't like about Method cleaners

  • I love the way their stuff smells but I prefer my toxic bleach and pine sol products.

    I don't feel like my house is clean without those two!

  • I prefer my toxic, cancer-causing cleansers too.  Clorox is the preferred brand.  MIL swears Clorox is bleach, not a brand.  Is this where I insert the sarcastic eyeroll?
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  • imagepincushions:

    I love the way their stuff smells but I prefer my toxic bleach and pine sol products.

    I don't feel like my house is clean without those two!

    bring on the clo-rox.   I'm a bleachin' fool.

    I like the way method's stuff smells.  I just don't feel like stuff gets clean.  kwim?

  • I agree that bleach and PineSol just make things smell clean and puts me in a good mood.  I have tried the Method brand cleaners and do like them, but I love my Mrs. Myers lemon spray for the kitchen.  That makes me happy too!
    DD #1 - 01.08
    DD #2 - 03.13
  • I love Method products but I use the Green Works toilet cleaner.
  • imagepincushions:

    I love the way their stuff smells but I prefer my toxic bleach and pine sol products.

    I don't feel like my house is clean without those two!

    I am so glad I am not alone! It's not clean without bleach

    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • I'm not a big fan of Method stuff.

    I stick with 7th Generation for toilet bowls and my trusty can of Bon Ami for sinks/tubs/anything that needs really scoured (if I don't have Bon Ami a good sprinkle of baking soda and a bit of dish soap works fine too). A splash of Mrs. Meyer's all-purpose cleaner concentrate and a big glug of vinegar in a bucket of hot water for floors. The Mrs. Meyer's all-purpose cleaner diluted in a spray bottle takes cares of counters, the table, etc. Other than that all I pretty much need is lemon oil for dusting/polishing the furniture. 

    I still haven't found a good window/glass cleaner I like very well though other than Windex...everything else gets all streaky. 

  • imagemomintn:
    I love Method products but I use the Green Works toilet cleaner.

    Exactly this.

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