I am really irritated w/ DH, but feel like I might be irrational here.
DH has a 1999 Ford truck that he loves. It has more than 100,000 miles on it. For the past 3 years it has needed significant work done on it. Last year we spent $4K on the truck -- the year before $3K. Now it looks like it needs another $3K worth of work. I told him last year that I didn't see the point of continuing to throw more and more money into that vehicle and we would be better off just getting a new (or newer used) truck. My other suggestion was that he should just use the truck for hunting or hauling stuff and we could get a less expensive vehicle with better gas mileage for him to use every day. (Don't even get me started on what we pay for gas for that truck.)
A new truck like he wants would be at least $30K. He claims it's cheaper to keep repairing the old one. He has had it checked out, and it's generally in good shape. The repairs now are new tires, new brakes, and fixing some steering problem.
Re: Would this irritate you?
What is with guys and trucks? DH sys he now wants a truck. I told him no, I get the next new car.
I would probably be a little annoyed
I'd almost be tempted to agree with your DH. My DH just bought a 2001 F-150 with a salvage title for $5500, so better deals can be found. I can't imagine spending 30K on a vehicle, but "we's po' folk".
this. Sure you will need a new truck eventually..the thing isn't going to run forever. But I'm a bury the car to its grave type person.....Car payments every month are always more expensive than a repair or two every year.
Just see if you can make a plan with him....if you have two months in a row with expensive car repairs...or until you get your tax refund, keep driving it, or something....that way its not so frustrating.