
Birthday party dilemma. Help.

I swore that I would never combine the kids' birthday parties, but I am on the horns of a dilemma.

We originally planned to have DDs 1st birthday on Sunday Dec 6, as an open house type thing here at mom's. DS party is set for Saturday Dec 12 at a local place.

The issue is that the outside location is pretty expensive for what it is, and DS doesn't really have any little friends around here. It would be a few cousins and maybe one friend.

Should we combine the parties and just do one at the open house for DD?

I would feel awful if we do that, because poor old DS didn't get any kind of party last year-- I was 1 day out of the hospital with a c/section.

AKA KnittyB*tch
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008


Re: Birthday party dilemma. Help.

  • I would combine. Your son probably won't even know it. As he gets older with friends, you will have plenty of parties at different places that will gladly take your money :)
  • Truthfully, he is too young to realize what else is out there. I'm sure he will love whatever you do for him. I would save the bigger party for when he has more "friends" that can come.

    Maybe in addition to the open house combined party, you and DH can take him out alone for a few hours and do something just for him? Does he have anythong that he absolutely loves to do?

    I feel your pain.. after this year we are having both girls parties together. I can't take the birthday party, christmas, new yearw, birthday party schedule -- that is too much going on in 2.5 weeks!!!!

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  • I would combine them too.   They are young and you have plenty of time to do seperate parties. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I guess that I"m going to be the only one to say nope. Not this year at least. I'm a big sentimental type of person and this is her first birthday party. And I would be afraid that a lot of guests would pay more attention to the fact that it's her first bday then his 3rd (I think?). And then I think he might be a little more aware. As much of a PITA as it is I would do the separate  parties.


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