hahaha I've been checking to see if she has said anything.I bet that is why that post has so many views lol, we are all waiting to hear what she has to say!
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I saw her baby's name on the ND tri board yesterday in a post about boy's names and I THINK Cortlandt is her maiden name.
PS when am I not a newbie poster anymore?? Seriously.
As much as the name (and spelling) are not my style, if this is the case it's somewhat justifiable for her. I still giggle at Cort Flake though. I hope she changes her mind for the little boys sake.
(I think it's 500 post to not be a newbie anymore)
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Sorry I have been in school actually. Ummmm thanks for judging the name yes it is supposed to be spelled Cortlandt it's my husbands middle name, his grandfathers and great grandfathers first names and they got by just fine with it. No it will not be shortened to Cort everyone knows that it will be Cortlandt and Cortlandt only!! My name is Jaclyn so I've delt with people misspelling and misspronouncing my name all my life it's really not that big of a deal! I'm sorry but we are not giving our name a "suitable" name according to you guys but we believe he will be just fine in life! Yes our last name really is Flake and again I've never had a problem with this either...I still think it is better than Stefani which is my maiden name and I was forever arguing with people that it WAS my last name and that I'm not stupid and deaf when they ask for my last name. If you have anything else rude to say about our name you can just keep it to yourself....TIA
Sorry I have been in school actually. Ummmm thanks for judging the name yes it is supposed to be spelled Cortlandt it's my husbands middle name, his grandfathers and great grandfathers first names and they got by just fine with it. No it will not be shortened to Cort everyone knows that it will be Cortlandt and Cortlandt only!! My name is Jaclyn so I've delt with people misspelling and misspronouncing my name all my life it's really not that big of a deal! I'm sorry but we are not giving our name a "suitable" name according to you guys but we believe he will be just fine in life! Yes our last name really is Flake and again I've never had a problem with this either...I still think it is better than Stefani which is my maiden name and I was forever arguing with people that it WAS my last name and that I'm not stupid and deaf when they ask for my last name. If you have anything else rude to say about our name you can just keep it to yourself....TIA
Oh, settle. ?You got a lot of constructive feedback. ?FWIW, I think it's a fine middle name, but I think it's going to be a major PITA first name for your kid. ?Yes, more difficult than Jaclyn. ?And you seriously think nobody will ever call him Cort Flake? ?LOL! ?I don't like the name Andy, but gave my son the name Anderson fully aware that I'll have to deal with people calling him Andy at some point.
And as for your "keep it to yourself" comment, that's probably what you should have done if you didn't want to hear peoples' opinions. ?Whatever though. ?Your kid.?
the bug & bee blog
(read it. you know you want to.)
anderson . september 2008
vivian . february 2010
mabel . august 2012
You obviously have thought this out and are happy with your name choice. Good for you. Just remember that kids can be cruel and when some brat shortens his name to Cort on the playground and then calls him Cort Flake, he will probably come home crying.
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Constructive feedback hahahahaha I literally laughed out loud at this!!! It wasn't constructive feedback it was a bunch of women telling me that OUR name choice sucked lol. Again I really don't care I just find it interesting that you say it's constructive! You are right it is our child so I will name him Pinocchio if I wanted to but we are choosing to honor our family and again 3 men have made it through life with NO shortening and no problems. teachers learn how to spell thier students name so I really don't see a problem. Thanks for your input though!
"Is that misspelled or is it really Cortlandt? ?I've never seen the name before but it seems like it will be a nightmare to have spelled correctly with the 't' on the end."?
But again- your kid. ?I like the sound of the name, and if you're happy with your choice, there's really nothing to debate. ?
the bug & bee blog
(read it. you know you want to.)
anderson . september 2008
vivian . february 2010
mabel . august 2012
Sorry I'm defensive but I really can't stand people making fun of the name. It is something very close to DH's heart because it has family meaning and we are FOREVER defending our last name lol but I mean it is Flake and it's still new to me so I guess it's something I have to get used too lol. I wasn't replying to just you there were other comments that weren't so "constructive"
lol, I've been laughing about Cort Flake all afternoon.
Look, whether you choose to acknowledge/accept/ignore it or not, that little boy is going to get called Cort Flake in school, by someone, probably lots of someones, at some point, and that's just sad. That poor kid.
Well I'm glad you feel that way and that I can amuse you. Sorry but I don't feel sorry for my kid and I'm sure he will take pride in his name just like my Husband and earlier generations!
Sorry I'm defensive but I really can't stand people making fun of the name. It is something very close to DH's heart because it has family meaning and we are FOREVER defending our last name lol but I mean it is Flake and it's still new to me so I guess it's something I have to get used too lol. I wasn't replying to just you there were other comments that weren't so "constructive"
You know, I actually think your responses have been quite mature considering the beating the name took. You could have gone BSC like people in the past and you haven't. It sucks that you have the defend a name that obviously has meaning to you. I still stand by what I said and think he will be teased, but like PP said -your kid.
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I guess it comes with the territory. It really doesn't bother me what others think because I know that we love the name and hey if he hates it that much he can always change it when he turns 18 lol
I dunno.. maybe it's just me, but I feel like when someone posts their name and says, "We've decided", the best response is, "Congrats on choosing a name" or nothing at all.
I think many of us know or can imagine or have heard horror stories about people criticizing name choices.
It's not like she asked "What do you think of..." THAT would have been fair game. Just my opinion.
I dunno.. maybe it's just me, but I feel like when someone posts their name and says, "We've decided", the best response is, "Congrats on choosing a name" or nothing at all.
I think many of us know or can imagine or have heard horror stories about people criticizing name choices.
It's not like she asked "What do you think of..." THAT would have been fair game. Just my opinion.
I'm fairly new to the board but I couldn't agree more to what SarahL said. Sometimes you're just looking to share a little excitement with people without being criticized, so unless you specifically ask for someone's opinion, others shouldn't be so quick to be so rude.
Once a baby is born and named then it's bad form to make a negative comment. Prior to birth it's fair game to try and make parent to be see the light of a bad baby name.
I'm fairly new to the board but I couldn't agree more to what SarahL said. Sometimes you're just looking to share a little excitement with people without being criticized, so unless you specifically ask for someone's opinion, others shouldn't be so quick to be so rude.
Thank you I agree...although I am over the comments because like you said I wasn't asking for opinions I was simply stating that we finally decided on a name. We knew his first name would be Cortlandt from the time we found out we were pregnant, we had Emmeline picked out for a girl, oh imagine the criticism that would have come with that one lol. Anyway we had finally decided on Isaiah for a middle name so that is really what I was announcing!
Well the ladies here are the first people to say that they didn't like it! Everyone around us my OB included love it, she actually put it up on a board in her office because she keeps a list of her favorite names like I said on the other post....Thanks for the advice but we are happy with our name!
Ummm not sure where you have been but yes I'm back and like I've stated in PP we are happy with our name choice and 3 generations of Flake men have survived this name and I'm sure this one can too!! Thanks for your input though (even though I didn't really ask for I was just stating that we had decided what to name OUR child)
I don't think it's a bad name at all, especially if it has significant meaning to you. Is it pronounced Court-land or is it pronounced Court-lyndt. It's not like you're naming your child something that is so far off and so out of whack. I appreciate people that use family names-my Great Grandmother is named Reymundah, and I would totally use that for a first name; she was nn'ed Remy. Good luck to you!
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I don't think it's a bad name at all, especially if it has significant meaning to you. Is it pronounced Court-land or is it pronounced Court-lyndt. It's not like you're naming your child something that is so far off and so out of whack. I appreciate people that use family names-my Great Grandmother is named Reymundah, and I would totally use that for a first name; she was nn'ed Remy. Good luck to you!
The "T" on the end is silent so it's pronounced Cort-land! I love that and would use it as a first name too....don't tell the people on here though...they tend to dislike names that are unique and fear that your kid will be picked on (IMO if picking on is the worst my kid gets in school he will survive) Oh and be careful if like a previous post said your last name isn't Smith because that is fair game too!
Please keep in mind I'm not being too sensitive here I'm just having fun with it!
I just read through the other post and I saw very few rude comments so I'm not sure why you're so defensive about it. I know a little boy name Cortland and the name is fine by me. I think it's just the combination with your that made people giggle. And yes, he will be called Cort-I really don't think there's any avoiding it so Corn Flake is definitely there. It's not the worst nickname though-it's kind of cute.
ETA: I just went back and read the rest of the thread after I commented. My "zip lips" picture was more referring to the 't' on the end of Cortlandt.
I'm not defensive I love reading the different opinions and yes I know of the reference to "Corn Flake" any girl who marries a man with the last name Flake has to at least consider it lol We (along with most of the women in his family who now carry the name) have joked about actually naming him Cornilus (sp) just so that we could call him corn flake!
I like the name you and your DH chose, dear! Don't listen to the haters. lol My little girl is going to be Jianna Lynn, and I have had everyone say that they don't like it b/c it is a misspelling of the common Gianna. Whatever...
I dunno.. maybe it's just me, but I feel like when someone posts their name and says, "We've decided", the best response is, "Congrats on choosing a name" or nothing at all.
I think many of us know or can imagine or have heard horror stories about people criticizing name choices.
It's not like she asked "What do you think of..." THAT would have been fair game. Just my opinion.
So I'm finished posting on here it is just too much drama for me!! But to all those who have defended my choice thank you it is appreciated and to the others who are oh so worried by poor "Cort Flake" will be made fun of thank you for your concern but I think he will make it through life just fine
Nope tired of beating a dead horse lol...I have not been on today because my husband and I found out today that he is not being deployed in January so we were celebrating!
Lets be honest ladies, EVERYONE at some point in their life has been the butt of a joke. I was teased for being half white and half Portuguese. Did it sting as a child? Yes but I got over it.
Who cares if the child might possibly be called Corn Flake? I don't believe she is subjecting her child to harassment. Kids are smart and a little lame. If they want to make fun of you they will find something to tease you about.
Lets be honest ladies, EVERYONE at some point in their life has been the butt of a joke. I was teased for being half white and half Portuguese. Did it sting as a child? Yes but I got over it.
Who cares if the child might possibly be called Corn Flake? I don't believe she is subjecting her child to harassment. Kids are smart and a little lame. If they want to make fun of you they will find something to tease you about.
Maybe if we didn't have immature adults that are quick to being ugly we wouldn't have to worry about the kids of those adults picking on others. It's called common courtesy. I understand if the name isn't your style and that's okay to say as much especially if someone is asking your opinion but I think sometimes it's definitely taken too far. That's like in the getting pregnant section I've noticed that on some posts there are women who have geniune questions because it's their first time ttc or their first time being pregnant and being it their first time they aren't sure of everything and get totally dismissed by others who think what they've asked is such a dumb or simple question and I think that's crazy because message boards are for helping others and getting advice not totally wiping someone out because they don't know something. That doesn't make any sense. You would think that ones that have been pregnant before would gladly help someone that's new at this because once upon a time that person was you.I just had to give my spill. End of rant lol
Re: so the Cortlandt girl never came back?
I saw her baby's name on the 2nd tri board yesterday in a post about boy's names and I THINK Cortlandt is her maiden name. ?
PS when am I not a newbie poster anymore?? Seriously. ?
As much as the name (and spelling) are not my style, if this is the case it's somewhat justifiable for her. I still giggle at Cort Flake though. I hope she changes her mind for the little boys sake.
(I think it's 500 post to not be a newbie anymore)
Oh, settle. ?You got a lot of constructive feedback. ?FWIW, I think it's a fine middle name, but I think it's going to be a major PITA first name for your kid. ?Yes, more difficult than Jaclyn. ?And you seriously think nobody will ever call him Cort Flake? ?LOL! ?I don't like the name Andy, but gave my son the name Anderson fully aware that I'll have to deal with people calling him Andy at some point.
And as for your "keep it to yourself" comment, that's probably what you should have done if you didn't want to hear peoples' opinions. ?Whatever though. ?Your kid.?
(read it. you know you want to.)
anderson . september 2008
vivian . february 2010
mabel . august 2012
You obviously have thought this out and are happy with your name choice. Good for you. Just remember that kids can be cruel and when some brat shortens his name to Cort on the playground and then calls him Cort Flake, he will probably come home crying.
IDK, I thought *I* was constructive:
"Is that misspelled or is it really Cortlandt? ?I've never seen the name before but it seems like it will be a nightmare to have spelled correctly with the 't' on the end."?
But again- your kid. ?I like the sound of the name, and if you're happy with your choice, there's really nothing to debate. ?
(read it. you know you want to.)
anderson . september 2008
vivian . february 2010
mabel . august 2012
Sorry I'm defensive but I really can't stand people making fun of the name. It is something very close to DH's heart because it has family meaning and we are FOREVER defending our last name lol but I mean it is Flake and it's still new to me so I guess it's something I have to get used too lol. I wasn't replying to just you there were other comments that weren't so "constructive"
Geez. Sensitive, much?
lol, I've been laughing about Cort Flake all afternoon.
Look, whether you choose to acknowledge/accept/ignore it or not, that little boy is going to get called Cort Flake in school, by someone, probably lots of someones, at some point, and that's just sad. That poor kid.
You know, I actually think your responses have been quite mature considering the beating the name took. You could have gone BSC like people in the past and you haven't. It sucks that you have the defend a name that obviously has meaning to you. I still stand by what I said and think he will be teased, but like PP said -your kid.
I dunno.. maybe it's just me, but I feel like when someone posts their name and says, "We've decided", the best response is, "Congrats on choosing a name" or nothing at all.
I think many of us know or can imagine or have heard horror stories about people criticizing name choices.
It's not like she asked "What do you think of..." THAT would have been fair game. Just my opinion.
Congrats on settling on a name!
Thank you very much
Once a baby is born and named then it's bad form to make a negative comment. Prior to birth it's fair game to try and make parent to be see the light of a bad baby name.
Thank you I agree...although I am over the comments because like you said I wasn't asking for opinions I was simply stating that we finally decided on a name. We knew his first name would be Cortlandt from the time we found out we were pregnant, we had Emmeline picked out for a girl, oh imagine the criticism that would have come with that one lol. Anyway we had finally decided on Isaiah for a middle name so that is really what I was announcing!
Ummm not sure where you have been but yes I'm back and like I've stated in PP we are happy with our name choice and 3 generations of Flake men have survived this name and I'm sure this one can too!! Thanks for your input though (even though I didn't really ask for I was just stating that we had decided what to name OUR child)
The "T" on the end is silent so it's pronounced Cort-land! I love that and would use it as a first name too....don't tell the people on here though...they tend to dislike names that are unique and fear that your kid will be picked on (IMO if picking on is the worst my kid gets in school he will survive)
Oh and be careful if like a previous post said your last name isn't Smith because that is fair game too!
Please keep in mind I'm not being too sensitive here I'm just having fun with it!
I just read through the other post and I saw very few rude comments so I'm not sure why you're so defensive about it. I know a little boy name Cortland and the name is fine by me. I think it's just the combination with your that made people giggle. And yes, he will be called Cort-I really don't think there's any avoiding it so Corn Flake is definitely there. It's not the worst nickname though-it's kind of cute.
ETA: I just went back and read the rest of the thread after I commented. My "zip lips" picture was more referring to the 't' on the end of Cortlandt.
Once you hit 500 posts.....lol.
I agree with this
BFP 7/6/11 Natural m/c 7/20/11 @ 6w2d
BFP 9/25/11 Grow baby grow!
Nope tired of beating a dead horse lol...I have not been on today because my husband and I found out today that he is not being deployed in January so we were celebrating!
Lets be honest ladies, EVERYONE at some point in their life has been the butt of a joke. I was teased for being half white and half Portuguese. Did it sting as a child? Yes but I got over it.
Who cares if the child might possibly be called Corn Flake? I don't believe she is subjecting her child to harassment. Kids are smart and a little lame. If they want to make fun of you they will find something to tease you about.
I personally think it is a good name.
Thank you!