Baby Names

WDYT of Hayden/Haden?

My DH and I saw a road sign for Haden on the way up to his parents house this weekend and we both really liked that name for a's hard for us to agree on names so it was pretty exciting to find one we both liked. What do you think of this name?

Re: WDYT of Hayden/Haden?

  • "Haden" looks like it needs to be pronounced "Had-in".   Is that the intention?
  • For me it falls into the whole Aiden,Jayden,Cayden trend thing.
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  • No...I think they are both supposed to be pronounced the same way...but it does look like that doesn't it?
  • Haden: I know a Haden (and he pronounces it like Had-in) .

    Hayden: I think of Hayden Fox the footbal coach from "Coach." I've always liked it but think it's dated, imo. 

    Edit: oops i was wrong...the guy I know spells it Hadden (Had-in). Unsure about the Haden spelling but if I saw it I would say (Hay-den). Hth! 

  • I have only seen it spelled Hayden and I have always really liked it for a boy.
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  • I love Hayden for a boy!
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  • We have a DD named Hayden, I think it is good for a boy or DH only liked it for a girl.
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  • I used to lurve the name Hayden for a boy... but now it's just in there with Aiden, Jayden, Caiden, etc. trend. :(
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  • It's becoming very popular if that doesn't bother you. I think it's a nice name. It's my eldest son's best friend's name.
  • imagevictoria1977:
    For me it falls into the whole Aiden,Jayden,Cayden trend thing.

    This. In a few years, the classrooms will be FULL of _aidens/_aydens.

    For that reason alone, none of these names are on our list.

  • I know a boy named Hayden, but I don't know how he spells it. If it were my kid, I'd spell it Hayden.
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  • I don't like it. I have a cousin named Hayden, he's a cute kid, but I don't think it is a strong, masculine name.
  • I've always liked Hayden. I have a cousin who is named Hayden (boy). My aunt picked it LONG before this trend started. 
  • Not a fan of the "--aiden" names. I think they're super trendy and will definitely pin your child to the having been born in the mid-to-late part of this decade category. Case in point, a friend of mine just named her daughter "Haiden." :cringe:
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  • I like it but I would spell it Hayden
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  • imagevictoria1977:
    For me it falls into the whole Aiden,Jayden,Cayden trend thing.


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  • I really liked Hayden until the whole Aiden/Caden/Jayden thing was so overdone--dont' like "den" names anymore.
  • I know an adult Hayden or two so it doesn't seem as trendy to me as Jaden and Caden but I wouldn't do it now because of that whole trend.
  • i LOVE it! as you can see in my siggy, it is the name of our LO, but she is a girl. however, it was on both of our lists - the boy's version would have been Hayden William. it isn't common in our area at all, so that is good.

    however, HAYDEN is the only way i like to spell it.  we saw in a baby name book a girl's spelling like Hadyn. gross. i think Haden looks like it is missing something. good luck!

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  • I used to love it, for a girl.

    But now it's way to popular for my tastes, especially since there are so many names similar to it that are popular right now.

  • I think it's too trendy, and becoming too popular. 

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  • imagevictoria1977:
    For me it falls into the whole Aiden,Jayden,Cayden trend thing.

    Me too... if you do use it, please spell it Hayden.

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