I am thinking ahead but it's still stressing me out a bit. We have a small 2 bed house. New baby will sleep in our room for a bit but then what? Kacey will be 2 when the new one is born and she is a fairly light sleeper already. I can't imagine making her share a room with a baby especially if they aren't sleeping through the night. We had moved Kacey into her room at 3 months and it meant we slept a lot better. Does this mean we will most likely have the baby in our room until a year or so?
If you have a small house and a baby + toddler, what did/do you do? TIA
Re: Small house - where does new baby sleep?
Exact.same.situation right now. DD is two weeks old, and currently in the PNP in our room. Our goal is to move her into sharing a room with DS around 3 months.
It will suck for him if she's a bad sleeper, but really, our house is small enough that if her crying is going to keep him up, it's going to keep him up whether she's in his room or ours. You can hear a crying baby all over the house. So far it doesn't seem to be bothering him. If he wakes up, he just goes back to sleep (suprisingly!)
The big delimma is if she ends up needing to CIO. We did the Ferber method with DS with a lot of success. But we're praying we don't have to with DD. I don't want to subject DS to that, or ourselves either!
We also have a smallish 2bdrm one-floor home but our plan is to keep #2 in our room until he/she starts sttn. DD finally sttn with the help of Ferber at 8mos and she ended up staying in our room (in her crib) until 14mos (we were at that point in an even smaller apartment) so we feel okay with this plan.