We saw the peri this morning for a growth scan. Baby B is bottom down and the lower or presenting twin (still) and is measuring 3 lbs. 5 oz. Baby A is head down and measuring 4 lbs 2 oz. This is the largest discrepancy they have had. The peri said that it's 16% difference and that it is still in the okay range. We will go back for another growth scan in two weeks. I was surprised and hoping that they would each be at 4 lbs by now.....but I guess if he is not worried, I shouldn't be either. I am hoping that in two weeks they will be closer. Anyone else have a weight difference at the end after being so close through the whole pregnancy?
Re: Peri appt at 32 weeks
Well, I think that actually is almost a 20% difference (53 ounces and 66 ounces), but I believe TTTS isn't a worry until there's a 25% difference AND a discrepency in amniotic fluid. Do you know what your amniotic fluid levels were?
Our girls had measured the exact same at 26 weeks (1 lb. 13 oz.) and by 29 weeks they had a 15% difference (3 lb. 4 oz. and 2 lb. 12 oz.). I e-mailed my peri a few times to make sure they were okay at that point. One big factor working in our favor was that their amniotic fluid was almost exactly even, so he wasn't concerned with the change in weights.
I'm sure if your doc wasn't worried then everything is fine!! I'm the same way though, since there's only one placenta I'm constantly in a state of worry about whether they're sharing nicely in there : )
He said that the fluid was okay and that there is a margain of error with the measurements. He said A's margin of error (the larger one) is 10 and B's is 8, so that made 16% difference. I don't know exactly how that is calculated. He said it's not TTTS and that they wouldn't worry about it until 20%, but it made me nervous. He also checked the cord of Baby B and said that all looked good. I will feel better when we go in two weeks and see what they are measuring then. It's nerve wracking!!!
I had no idea that they actually know the numbers for margins of error!! I always assumed it was just a general "margin of error" to account for possible wrong measurements. I wonder how they figure it out... and I wish they'd actually explain all of this to us so that we don't go home in a panic.
That's just crazy because we're both expecting identical girls, close in due dates, our girls used to measure the same and now have a 15-16% size difference! I think you're my pregnancy twin ; )