I'm feeling like a bad mommy right now because I didn't freak out and call the doctor.,,,
Saturday night we were at our bowling league..when we finished, Carter was super hungry, so I tried to bf him (I bf about half these days)...but he wouldn't take it so luckily I had a bottle with me.
Sunday morning I went to give him a bottle of pumped milk, and at first he refused that also (but finally took it).
Now Monday-Tuesday he's had what I would call diarrhea. I'm not sure, but he went from pooping every 2-4 days, to pooping 4-5 times in a day (just a little bit, and a much more watery consistency...including a few times in the middle of changes, which he rarely does).
Besides this, he has been acting totally normal. He is happy and smiley...no fever. We have his 4 month appointment this morning, or else I probably would call the doctor, I just hope its nothing...
Re: Could he be sick?
I wouldn't worry about it - it sounds like he could be teething? Andrew is very finicky about eating when he's teething?
I hope he's okay!
This! ?Our ped warned us that DD might have watery stools, some refusal of the bottle, and even a slight temp. ?Obviously, use your judgement since this can also be signs of illness, but in an otherwise happy/behaving normal babe all arrows point to teething!?
Teething at just over 2 months adj? I'm hoping not....but ya never know
Would it be weird to bring one of his poopy diapers with us to the dr? I really don't want to go in there smelling like poop...but...
I didn't realize he's 2 months adjusted - that does seem awfully early but I'm not an expert for sure!
I've brought a poopy diaper in when we suspected a milk allergy. I don't know if I'd bring one in unless you have a specific reason other than just diarrhea! You could call and ask the dr though I guess.
haha!! I just laughed out loud for real.